Highpointers in the News…

Highpointing keeps making it’s rounds in the media and this time it makes it into the “Travel Section” of the Sunday New York Times.  The writer, Jane Margolies, interviewed several notable Highpointers about their thoughts and views on Highpointing.

According to the article:

“Each state has a place of highest natural elevation, ranging from the piddling 345-foot Britton Hill in Florida to 20,320-foot Mount McKinley in Alaska. Some sites are known as “flip-flop” highpoints because visitors can drive up in a car and hop out in sandals to pose by a marker; others require multi-day mountain climbs involving special gear and training. But all are important for the increasing number of ardent list keepers known as highpointers.

An estimated 10,000 are caught up in the hobby, which blends the rigors of adventure travel with the fastidiousness of stamp collecting. Highpointers hopscotch the country, then go back home where they track their accomplishments on spreadsheets and wall maps bristling with color-coded pushpins, and then plot their next outings. And though highpointing has been associated with single men in their late 40s and retirees, it has lately begun to attract a younger, more mixed crowd. As well as a more competitive one.”

The complete article can be found at:


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