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Computer Column: Polls and New Members of Our Web Ring
(From Apex to Zenith - 4th Quarter 2000)
By Roger Rowlett

So what do highpointers think?

We've been running some straw polls on the americasroof web site.  The polls pop up often as a result of news items that appear in the Forum at


Now let's go to the voting.  This is a totally unscientific sampling of people who visit the collection of sites.  You can vote at:

Here are the results of polls so far:
- A proposal to rename Eagle Mountain to Mount Vento in honor of the Minnesota Congressman who died this fall and who had championed BWCWA was rejected 82% to 17%.

- Climbers preferred Rick Lazio to Hillary Clinton in the New York Senate race 69% to 25%.

- Highpointers favored George Bush (56%) to Al Gore's 29%.  Ralph Nader got 7%.

- Texas was the preferred destination for the 2002 convention with 21%, followed by Virginia 13%; Oklahoma's 12%, North Carolina 10% and the rest divided among the other states.

- 47% of the hikers carry cell phones in the backcountry.

- A proposal to build a $20.8 Million resort on Magazine Mountain is opposed by 76% of the respondents.

- 83% oppose the construction of a $125 Million resort complex on the north flank of Greylock.

Web Ring Update

Our Highpointers Web Ring has nearly doubled in size since the last issue.  We've been getting several thousand hits.  Come join us at:

Here's the new members:

David Wickersham's Highpoints of the U.S. :Dave was one of the first people to post highpoint info on the web.  He has trip reports and pictures from his 30 highpoints on one of the most handsome websites anywhere.

The Worlds of Kevin Foster: Kevin's a bike nut.  He has taken his bike up amazing places and had the sense to photograph his conquests on the summits of such peaks as Borah, Kings, Rainier as well as around the world.

Mark's Highpoint Page: Mark has wonderful detailed trip reports and photos from his visits to eastern summits.  He gives details on the training for the climbs.

CyclcingPT.Com:This is a must visit site for Gannett climbs.  It has great detail and photographs explaining the Gannett route.  Plus you might win a caribiner for visiting.

High Places: A Journal of State Highpoints: Bill Stempek leads you a journey to his 40 state highpoints.  There is wonderful commentary and lots of pictures of landmarks along the route.