Apex to Zenith Newsletter
Index for Issues 21-27 - 1993-1994
Prepared by David Olson

Apex to Zenith, Highpointers club newsletter, 2Q 1993 #21
Apex to Zenith, Highpointers club newsletter, 3Q 1993 #22
Apex to Zenith, Highpointers club newsletter, 4Q 1993 #23
Apex to Zenith, Highpointers club newsletter, 1Q 1994 #24
Apex to Zenith, Highpointers club newsletter, 2Q 1994 #25
Apex to Zenith, Highpointers club newsletter, 3Q 1994 #26
Apex to Zenith, Highpointers club newsletter, 4Q 1994 #27

AZ        -Apex to Zenith
SAEC      -South American Explorer Club

Aconcagua, Mt, on Chuck Thuot's resume, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p2
Adirondack, list of 46 > 4000', AZ 4Q '94 #27 p22
Advisory committee, call for, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p6
Akerman, Ken, caught error on Jeopardy TV show, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p9
Akerman, Ken, Forty (40) HPs, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p7,
Akerman, Ken, Forty (40) HPs, 40, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p10,
Akerman, Ken, HP analysis, into classes, AZ 3Q '94 #26 p13
Allsup, Schatz the dog, HP accomplishments, AZ 3Q '93 #22 p11
Arrington, Far, got Whitney, CA HP, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p16
Article about Vin Hoeman, & letter about, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p14
Article about Grace Hudalwalski, AZ 3Q '93 #22 p10
Article about Katahdin ME elevation, AZ 3Q '93 #22 p13
Article, Men's Fitness p73, ref., AZ 4Q '93 #23 p10
Article reference, Jim Gehres, Backpacker Dec p16, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p4
Article reference, HPs, Snow Country May, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p8
Awards, Jones, Ken, award for 40 HPs?, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p3
Bacon, Wayne, Forty (40) HPs, 44, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p5
Baker, Jim, new member, 17 HPs, tried Denali twice, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p11
Balcom, Wayne, Completer, #28, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p2
Balcom, Wayne, Completer correction, #29, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p1
Barkman, Leon, will be host for '95 dinner/climb, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p10
Bartley, D.D., got Antarctica, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p10
Bartley, D.D., has CO/AK/CA/WA/Elbrus/Aconcagua, AZ 3Q '93 #22 p5
Bartley, Stan, got Antarctica, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p10
Bartley, Stan, has CO/AK/CA/WA/Elbrus/Aconcagua, AZ 3Q '93 #22 p5
Beattie, Jim, Forty (40) HPs, 40+, AZ 3Q '93 #22 p5
Beattie, Lyn, Forty (40) HPs, 40+, AZ 3Q '93 #22 p5
Begeman, Bob, got WY, AZ 3Q '93 #22 p5
Begeman, Marge, got WY, AZ 3Q '93 #22 p5
Bell, Carrie, Forty (40) HPs, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p7,
Bell, Cecil, new member, has MT/Kilomanjaro/Fuji, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p5
Bell, Moe, Forty (40) HPs, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p7,
Bennett, Jack, got Columbia, Mt., Alberta HP, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p17
Bennett, Jack, got Manitoba, Sask. HPs, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p17
Bennett, Jack, had club meet in Ohio, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p8
Bennett, Jack, Nirvana, Mt. NWT, account of attempt, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p14
Bennett, Tom, got Columbia, Mt., Alberta HP, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p17
Bennett, Tom, got Manitoba, Sask. HPs, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p17
Berens, Don, the composite completer, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p15
Berens, Don, staff, put on s-, completer chronicler, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p3
Berens, Don, Vin Hoeman award, nominated for, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p14
Berens, Don, Vin Hoeman award 1993, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p7
Beston, Henry, quotation from, AZ 3Q '94 #26 p6
Bicycles, Kevin Foster, bicyles on HPs, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p4
Bicycles, Kevin Foster, bicyles on HPs, 45, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p7
Bio sketch on Frances Carter, by D.Berens, AZ 3Q '93 #22 p10
Bio sketch on Elmer F Michaud, by D.Berens, AZ 3Q '94 #26 p13
Bio sketch on C Rowland Stebbins, by D.Berens, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p16
Black Mesa OK, summit certificate @ Kenton Mercantile store, AZ 3Q '94 #26 p6
Black Mesa OK, UFO abductions, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p23
Bludworth, Winford "Dub", UT cty HPs, metal plaques on each, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p5
Board of Directors for club, nominated, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p8
Board of Directors for club, in office, AZ 3Q '94 #26 p5
Bona, Mt, on Chuck Thuot's resume, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p2
Bongiovanni, Brian, completed, #26, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p1
Bongiovanni, Brian, will guide Denali this summer, AZ 3Q '93 #22 p5
Book, County High Points, by Andy Martin, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p6
Bowling, David, seeks partner, OR+MT/WY or ID, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p5
Bratton, Tom, new member, has AK/WA/CA, AZ 3Q '93 #22 p5
Brewer, Mike, HP calender, AZ 3Q '94 #26 p6
Brewer, Mike, History, ID Borah, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p12
Brewer, Mike, History, ID Borah part 2, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p16
Brewer, Mike, offer to barnraise J Longacre's MO HP house, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p8
Brewer, Mike, suggest annual HP calendar, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p8
Bromberg, Mike, completed the 70 14ers, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p13
Bromberg, Mike, got Gannett WY HP, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p16
Bromberg, Mike, got Granite MT HP, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p16
Bumper-stickers, club, research on, Stony Burk, AZ 3Q '93 #22 p4
Bumper-stickers, club, would be costly, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p5
Burchalter, Robert, pure (so.) ascent of Mt. Frissell CT, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p15
Burk, Stony, bumper-stickers, research, AZ 3Q '93 #22 p4
Buzalsky, Angeline, owner ND HP, remarried, Van Daele, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p10
Byers, Dave, Record, Speed, # of HPs in one day, 9, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p14
Calendar, state HPs, organized/offered by Mike Brewer, AZ 3Q '94 #26 p6
California county HPs, book, by Gary Suttle, AZ 3Q '94 #26 p5
California county HPs, Dinesh Desai, list of, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p9
California county HPs, Gary Suttle, with book, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p8
Callaghan, Barney, Forty (40) HPs, 47, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p10
Calvert, Gary, Geo-centers, promoted by G- C-, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p3
Calvert, Gary, dead, AZ 3Q '94 #26 p3
Cancienne, Henry, researching highest public road of states, AZ 3Q '94 #26 p7
Canon, Travis, climbing report on Pico Bolivar & Mt Roraima, AZ 3Q '94 #26 p10
Canon, Travis, got Pico Bolivar & Mt Roraima, has 5 SA HPs, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p11
Canon, Travis, sent summit rocks of 3 SA HPs to HP musuem, AZ 3Q '94 #26 p6
Carter, Frances, Bio sketch, AZ 3Q '93 #22 p10
Carter, Frances, corrections, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p10
Cartoon, bear on HP, Pete May, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p11
Cartoon, contrasting highest, lowest HP, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p22
Cartoon, Ken and Evan (Jones), AZ 4Q '94 #27 p4
Cartoon, Ride to the top, Pete May, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p18
Cartoon, this is the HP, Pete May, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p8
Case, Doug, completer-48, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p1
Case, Doug, got TX/WA/WY/NM/CO, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p6
Clark, Janine, Forty (40) HPs, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p7,
Claypool, John, campground host, Wheeler Pk NM, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p5
Climbing partners wanted:
Climbing partners, Borah, Al Wheelock, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p6
Climbing partners, Boundary NV, Roy Wallen, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p5
Climbing partners, Canadian HPs, Jack Bennett, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p14
Climbing partners, Denali, Glenn Van Vliet, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p11
Climbing partners, Denali, Woody Widlunder, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p5
Climbing partners, Gannett, Lion Barkman, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p5
Climbing partners, Gannett, Barney Callaghan, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p9
Climbing partners, Gannett, Terry Moyer, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p9
Climbing partners, Gannett, Rick Lutz, AZ 3Q '94 #26 p7
Climbing partners, Gannett, Carl Wagner, AZ 3Q '94 #26 p7
Climbing partners, Gannett, Danial Weidner, AZ 3Q '94 #26 p7
Climbing partners, Granite MT, Ken Akerman, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p5
Climbing partners, Granite MT, Doug & Karen Pirnie, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p9
Climbing partners, Granite, Carl Wagner, AZ 3Q '94 #26 p7
Climbing partners, Granite, Danial Weidner, AZ 3Q '94 #26 p7
Climbing partners, Hood, Ray & Jan Nelson, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p14
Climbing partners, Hood, Jonathon Partee, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p14
Climbing partners, Matterhorn, Rex Green, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p5
Climbing partners, Whitney, Roy Wallen, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p5
Climbing report - see Trip report
Clinton, Bill, membership sponsored/paid by B.Failing, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p12
Club goods, pennants, new ones for sale, J.Epperson, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p3
Club goods, T-shirts, full color, AZ 3Q '93 #22 extra
Cockrell, Scott, got Gannett WY HP, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p16
Colorado 14ers, speed record 13.96 days, Jeff Wagener, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p6
Colorado 14ers, Jon McCorkell completed them, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p16
Committee, Advisory, call for, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p6
Completer, the composite, by Don Berens, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p15
Completers, Wayne Balcom, #28, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p2
Completers, Wayne Balcom, correction, #29, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p1
Completers, Brian Bongiovanni, #26, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p1
Completers, Jack Freeman, #31, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p17
Completers, Jack Freeman, #31, AZ 3Q '94 #26 p1
Completers, Rich Gnagy, #27, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p2
Completers, Rich Gnagy, correction, #28, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p1
Completers, Barbara Gurtler, #26, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p2
Completers, Barbara Gurtler, correction, #27, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p1
Completers, Don Holmes, #39, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p6
Completers, Todd Huston, #37, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p4
Completers, Ken Jones, #35, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p3
Completers, Milton Jones, #33, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p2
Completers, List of 50 and 48 c-, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p2
Completers, Whit Rambach, #38, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p4
Completers, Jeff Rand, #34, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p3
Completers, Tom Sawyer, #32, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p2
Completers, Lloyd Sumner, #40, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p6
Completers, Chuck Thuot, #29, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p3
Completers, Chuck Thuot, correction, #30, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p1
Completers, Dennis Whitehead, #36, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p4
Completers-48, Doug Case, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p1
Completers-48, Vicky DeMayo, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p6
Completers-48, Bruce Ensor, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p6
Completers-48, Bruce Ensor, AZ 3Q '94 #26 p2
Completers-48, William Ensor, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p6
Completers-48, William Ensor, AZ 3Q '94 #26 p2
Completers-48, Kevin Foster, w. bicycle, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p7
Completers-48, Glenn Vanvliet, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p6
Computer for newletter, price?, AZ 3Q '93 #22 p4
Comstock, Mark, Forty (40) HPs, 40, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p10
Comstock, Mark, registors on HPs, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p4
Comstock, Wendy, 1st HP after 4 attempts, MI, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p10
Conrad, Bart, new member, has 1 HP, AK!, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p15
Constant, Karen, Forty (40) HPs, 43, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p14
Convention, see Dinner/climb
Cook, Fred, pennant 4 to UT, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p6
Cooking, heat in car convenience item, NULINES Inc, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p14/15
County High Points, book by Andy Martin, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p6
County HPs, California, book, by Gary Suttle, AZ 3Q '94 #26 p5
County HPs, California, list,  Dinesh Desai, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p9
Crane, Adrian, bicyles on HPs, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p4
Crane, Adrian, guided T.Houston & W.Rambach up AK HP, AZ 3Q '94 #26 p7
Crane, Adrian, seeks plastic boot trade, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p11
Danna, Joe, offers Katahdin winter ascents, AZ 3Q '94 #26 p9
Database of big peaks, setup, John Evans, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p7
Deibert, George, figured HP centroid = Mt Taum Sauk MO, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p8
Delaware HP official ambassador, Doreen Kupchik, thanks, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p4
DeMayo, Vicky, Completer-48, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p6
Desai, Dinesh, CA county HP, 5 to go, list, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p9
Dikes, Doyle, caught Gannett in MT typo, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p5
Dinner/climb 1987, Mt Arvon, reprint from 1st AZ, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p1
Dinner/climb 1993, Harney Pk, accommodations, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p2
Dinner/climb 1993, Harney Pk, arrangements, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p1
Dinner/climb 1993, Harney Pk, recap of arrangements, AZ 3Q '93 #22 p1
Dinner/climb 1993, Harney Pk, report on it, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p3
Dinner/climb 1993, Harney Pk, photo, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p3
Dinner/climb 1994, Wheeler Pk, announcement, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p5
Dinner/climb 1994, Wheeler Pk, arrangements, part 1, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p3
Dinner/climb 1994, Wheeler Pk, arrangements, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p3
Dinner/climb 1994, Wheeler Pk, presentation to be Mt Vinson, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p5
Dinner/climb 1994, Wheeler Pk, report on it, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p8
Dinner/climb 1995, Mt Mansfield VT, announcement, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p10
Dixon, Jim, new member, has Denali, active age=66, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p11
Doenges, Jim, new member, has AK, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p6
Donofrio, Joe, new member, has UT/WY, AZ 3Q '93 #22 p5
Driskill Mtn LA, cairn rebuilt, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p9
Eaton, John, Forty (40) HPs, 40, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p10
Elbrus, Mt, milestone Patrick Mages, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p12
Elbrus, Mt, on Chuck Thuot's resume, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p2
Encyclopedia of Associations, update, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p13
Ensor, Bruce, Completer-48, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p6
Ensor, Bruce, Completer-48, AZ 3Q '94 #26 p2
Ensor, William, Completer-48, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p6
Ensor, William, Completer-48, AZ 3Q '94 #26 p2
Epperson, Dave, Pennant 4 to OK, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p11
Epperson, Dave, staff, put on s-, "secretary", AZ 2Q '93 #21 p3
Erspamer, Edna, got CO/NM/AZ/CA/Kinabalu, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p6
Evans, Bob, suggest list of HP local resource-persons, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p8
Evans, John, database, setup d- for big peaks, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p7
Evans, Polly, suggest list of HP local resource-persons, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p8
Everest, Mt, pennant on top of with David Keaton, AZ 3Q '94 #26 p2
Failing, Bob, got German, Austrian national HPs, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p16
Fifty Peaks project, disabled climbers, Rick Porter, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p6
Fitzsimmons, Matt, got Orizaba, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p7
Foote, Kevin, # of HPs in one day speed record, 7, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p4
Foraker, Mt, attempted, Tom Bratton, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p9
Forty (40) HPs, Ken Akerman, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p7
Forty (40) HPs, Ken Akerman, 40, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p10
Forty (40) HPs, Wayne Bacon, 44, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p5
Forty (40) HPs, Jim Beattie, 40+, AZ 3Q '93 #22 p5
Forty (40) HPs, Lyn Beattie, 40+, AZ 3Q '93 #22 p5
Forty (40) HPs, Carrie Bell, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p7
Forty (40) HPs, Moe Bell, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p7,
Forty (40) HPs, Barney Callaghan, 47, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p10
Forty (40) HPs, Janine Clark, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p7,
Forty (40) HPs, Mark Comstock, 40, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p10
Forty (40) HPs, Karen Constant, 43, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p14
Forty (40) HPs, John Eaton, 40, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p10
Forty (40) HPs, John Harknett, 42, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p14
Forty (40) HPs, William Haynes, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p7
Forty (40) HPs, Mary James, 42, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p14
Forty (40) HPs, John James, 47, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p14
Forty (40) HPs, Ken Jones, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p12
Forty (40) HPs, Milton Jones, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p7
Forty (40) HPs, Roger Kubly, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p7
Forty (40) HPs, Andy Martin, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p7
Forty (40) HPs, Andy Martin, 47 HPs, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p16
Forty (40) HPs, Sara Martin, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p7
Forty (40) HPs, Mike McCauley, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p7
Forty (40) HPs, Don Mercer, 45, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p14
Forty (40) HPs, Clarkson Moseley, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p7
Forty (40) HPs, Craig Nolland, 44, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p14
Forty (40) HPs, Nick Palladino, 43, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p10
Forty (40) HPs, Annette Porter, 40, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p14
Forty (40) HPs, Bob Reinhard, 44, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p10
Forty (40) HPs, Terry Robinson, 40, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p10
Forty (40) HPs, David Stoldt, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p12
Forty (40) HPs, Gary Szelc, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p12
Forty (40) HPs, Gary Szelc, 48, MT+AK to go, AZ 3Q '94 #26 p8
Forty (40) HPs, Gary Szelc, 49, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p14
Forty (40) HPs, Glen Thistlehwaite, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p7
Forty (40) HPs, Rich Tomc, 43, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p10
Forty (40) HPs, Rays Versaw, 45, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p16
Forty (40) HPs, Carl Wagner, new member, AZ 3Q '94 #26 p7
Forty (40) HPs, David Weidner, 40, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p14
Forty (40) HPs, Janice Witt, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p12
Forty (40) HPs, Tod Witt, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p12
Foster, Kevin, bicyles on HPs, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p4
Foster, Kevin, bicyles on HPs, 45, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p7
Foster, Kevin, Completer-48, w. bicycle, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p7
Fourteeners, the 54 CO, Jon McCorkell completed, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p16
Fourteeners, the 68 (70), completed, Mike Bromberg, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p13
Freeman, Jack, complete 48, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p1
Freeman, Jack, completer, #31, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p17
Freeman, Jack, completer, #31, AZ 3Q '94 #26 p1
Friewald, Kari, new member, has WA/AK/Shasta,etc., AZ 3Q '93 #22 p5
Gehres, Jim, Backpacker article, Dec p16, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p4
Gehres, Jim, has Aconcagua, Matterhorn, etc., AZ 4Q '94 #27 p15
Geo-center, photo of 48 state geo-center, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p4
Geo-centers, promoted by Gary Calvert, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p3
Gnagy, Rich, Completed, #27, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p2
Gnagy, Rich, Completed, correction, #28, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p1
Gnagy, Rich, question, what is HP of MI Lower Peninsula, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p19
Graybill, Jack, lament against MD HP developement, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p14
Griggs, Allan & LaJoyce, honorary members of club. OK, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p13
Griggs, Alan+LaJoyce issue OK HP certificates, Kenton, AZ 3Q '94 #26 p6
Groninger, Kurt, new member, has AK/WA/MT/CO/CA:14 HPs, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p15
Guide Service for MT or WY? AZ 3Q '94 #26 p7
Gurtler, Barbara, Completed, #26, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p2
Gurtler, Barbara, Completed, correction, #27, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p1
Gurtler, Barbara, has 47/50, 4/7 summits, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p7
Gurtler, Barbara, presentation, Mt Vinson, dinner/climb, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p8
Gurtler, Barbara, will attempt Everest in 1994, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p4
Hall, Clark, milestone, completed 50 lowpoints, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p12
Hall, Clark, Vin Hoeman award, awarded it, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p10
Hall, Clark, Vin Hoemen award, nominated for, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p14
Hardy, John and Mary Ellen, HP local liaisons, NH, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p13
Harknett, John, Forty (40) HPs, 42, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p14
Harknett, John, got Orizaba on New Years, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p11
Hawaii, Mauna Kea, 'ad' for summit tour, AZ 3Q '94 #26 p10
Hawaii, resident-expert, Tim Stanislawski, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p4
Haynes, William, Forty (40) HPs, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p7,
Heald, Betty, NH Presidential Range hike invite, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p10
Heald, Phil, NH Presidential Range hike invite, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p10
Highpointer challenge, project of Bruce Marshall, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p5
History, ID Borah, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p12
History, ID Borah part 2, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p16
Hoeman, Vin, article & letter about, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p14
Holmes, Don, Completer, #39, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p6
Holmes, Don, name badges, engraved, available, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p5
Holmes, Don, revision sheet for HP book, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p10
Honorary membership, Allan & LaJoyce Griggs, OK, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p13
Houston, Todd, amputee, plans to set HP speed record, AZ 3Q '94 #26 p4
Houston, Todd, new member, got AK, AZ 3Q '94 #26 p7
Houston, Todd, see also under Huston, Todd
Howard, Dawn, had club meet in Colorado, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p8
HP analysis, into classes, by Ken Akerman, AZ 3Q '94 #26 p13
HP centroid = Mt Taum Sauk MO figured: George Deibert, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p8
HP 50 speed record, T.Huston+W.Rambach, 66 days, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p5
HP local liaisons, Bob & Polly Evans suggest list of, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p8
HP local liaisons, ME, John and Mary James, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p13
HP local liaisons, NH, John and Mary Ellen Hardy, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p13
HP local resource-persons, Bob & Polly Evans suggest list of, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p8
HP rock collection, J.Longacre wants, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p9
HP -s, historical, old listing of state HPs, 1959, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p23
HP updates, see also Trip reports
HP updates, ID, ice bridge, Clarkson Moseley, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p13
HP updates, IL, fee, phone number, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p12
HP updates, IL, climbing report, AZ 3Q '94 #26 p10
HP updates, IN, to be named and marked, M.Brewer, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p8
HP updates, LA, trail marked w. blue ribbon, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p13
HP updates, LA, details, AZ 3Q '94 #26 p9
HP updates, LA, Driskills in the local cemetary, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p18
HP updates, MD, developement around it, C.&V.Casale, AZ 3Q '93 #22 p5
HP updates, MD, developement, lament, J.Graybill, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p14
HP updates, MD, new directions, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p18
HP updates, MI, marking on the access, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p7
HP updates, MI, reproduction of signage, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p12
HP updates, MN, road renumbered, D. Berens, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p7
HP updates, MO, in state park, J. Longacre, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p8
HP updates, MT, guide service, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p18
HP updates, NM, suggests east side, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p12
HP updates, NY, trail relocation, shelter, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p17
HP updates, ND, access & ownership, D. Holmes, AZ 3Q '93 #22 extra
HP updates, ND, caution-rattlesnakes, J.Longacre, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p13
HP updates, ND, snake accounts, various, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p10
HP updates, OH, check open hours at vo-tech school, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p8
HP updates, OH, access to vo-tech school, K.Akerman, AZ 3Q '93 #22 p5
HP updates, OK, permitted access, D.Berens, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p8
HP updates, OK, climbing report, info in Kenton, AZ 3Q '94 #26 p10
HP updates, PA, marked access, C.&V.Casale, AZ 3Q '93 #22 p6
HP updates, RI, restricted access, plot map, D. Berens, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p7
HP updates, RI, restricted access, AZ 3Q '93 #22 p5
HP updates, RI, restricted access, club policy, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p17
HP updates, UT, straight up route to Anderson Pass, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p12
HP updates, UT, high traverse to Anderson Pass, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p12
HP updates, WY, gooseneck couloir, Gary Szelc, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p13
HP updates, WY, guide service, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p18
HP updates, revision sheet for D.Holmes' book, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p10
Hudalwalski, Grace, article about, AZ 3Q '93 #22 p10
Hudson, Chick, Pennant 4 to NE, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p11
Hudson, Chick, Pennant 4 to NV, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p6
Hutcherson, Carola, has Kilomanjaro, Hood, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p11
Huston, Todd, Completer, #37, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p4
Huston, Todd, sets HP 50 speed record, w.W.Rambach, 66 days, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p5
Hyman, Robert, got Granite MT HP & Teewinot WY, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p16
Illinois, Geographic center finder Gary Calvert dead, AZ 3Q '94 #26 p3
Index, newsletter, David Olson, offer, AZ 3Q '93 #22 p3
Internet, rec.backcountry, AZ 3Q '94 #26 p3
Jacobs, Don, wrote book on Mt Rainier, AZ 3Q '94 #26 p6
Jacques Cartier, Mt, Quebec, photo of summit, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p11
James, John & Mary, local liaison ME, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p13
James, John & Mary, seeks partner, Logan, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p5
James, John, Forty (40) HPs, 47, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p14
James, Mary, Forty (40) HPs, 42, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p14
Jenner, James & Mina Lou, trip report, Katahdin ME, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p18
Johnson, Gary, new member, has Kilomanjaro, Kenya, AZ 3Q '93 #22 p5
Johnson, George, complete 48, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p1
Jones, Evan, pennant 4 to ND, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p6
Jones, Ken, award for 40 HPs?, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p3
Jones, Ken, Completer, #35, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p3
Jones, Ken, Forty (40) HPs, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p12
Jones, Milton, Completer, #33, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p2
Jones, Milton, Forty (40) HPs, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p7,
Katahdin ME, article on elevation, AZ 3Q '93 #22 p13
Katahdin ME, Joe Danna offers winter ascents, AZ 3Q '94 #26 p9
Keaton, David, got Antarctica, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p10
Keaton, David, new member, has WA/OR/CA/CO/NH, AZ 3Q '93 #22 p5
Keaton, David, with pennant on Mt Everest, AZ 3Q '94 #26 p2
Kelland, Donna, Pennant 4 to MS, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p11
Kelland, Mark, MI Lower Peninsula HP, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p10
Kelland, Mark, Pennant 4 to MS, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p11
Kennedy, Brian, honors for clearing/blazing trails, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p9
Kennedy, David, offers Sherpa snowshoes, mittens, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p11
Kennedy, Nate, honors for clearing/blazing trails, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p9
Kentucky HP, Black Mtn, trash on HP, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p14
Kenya, Mt, on Chuck Thuot's resume, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p2
Kilomanjaro, Mt, on Chuck Thuot's resume, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p2
Kjelleren, Don, his "Great American Adventure", AZ 3Q '94 #26 p8
Kjelleren, Don, rebuilt Mt Driskill LA cairn, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p9
Klimbing Kollaborator, see Climbing Partners (wanted)
Kosciusko, Mt, done by Rudy Vedovell, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p9
Kubly, Roger, Forty (40) HPs, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p7,
Kupchik, Doreen, DE HP official ambassador, thanks, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p4
Kutac, Chris, has 54 CO 14ers/MT/CA/WY/WA/OR, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p7
License plates, PEAKBAGR, Alan Via, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p10
Lightning incident on Mt Huron CO, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p14
List, 2nd HPs, D.Olson, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p16
List, Adirondack 46 > 4000', AZ 4Q '94 #27 p22
List, completers, 50 & 48, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p2
List, country, Lanny Wexler, highest 54, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p17
List, country, Lanny Wexler, numbers 55-170, AZ 3Q '94 #26 p14
List, county HPs, AK, A.Martin, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p19
List, county HPs, NC, available, F.Lobdell, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p13
List, county HPs, RI, A.Martin, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p19
List, state HPs, old-1959, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p23
List, state HPs of Australia, AZ 3Q '93 #22 p13
Literature, mountaineering, Joe Kramarsic has alot, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p6
Lobdell, Fred, list, has cty HPs, HI/CT/RI, AZ 3Q '93 #22 p13
Lobdell, Fred, list, has cty HPs, NC, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p13
Lockwood, Elise, has CA/WA/Kilomanjaro/Fuji, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p6
Lockwood, Paul, has CA/WA/Kilomanjaro/Fuji, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p6
Lodefink, John, trip report, Borah ID, challenging, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p18
Lodging, HI HP, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p14
Logan, Mt Canada, material reference, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p9
Longacre, Jack, ad for apprentice 'guru' at MO HP, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p12
Longacre, Jack, hand in till, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p10
Longacre, Jack, idea, photo & tape record of climb, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p10
Longacre, Jack, looked at computers, price?, AZ 3Q '93 #22 p4
Longacre, Jack, membership in club >1000, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p23
Longacre, Jack, newsletter, get typewriter, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p20
Longacre, Jack, nominates Board of Directors for club, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p8
Longacre, Jack, question, geographic center of HPs, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p19
Longacre, Jack, question #23 AZ 4Q '93 p19 answer G.Deibert, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p8
Longacre, Jack, return, please, 3 club albums, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p10
Longacre, Jack, retirement home on MO HP, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p8
Longacre, Jack, vacation, AZ 3Q '93 #22 p4
Longacre, Jack, vacation, announcement, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p8
Longacre, Jack, wants HP rock collection, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p9
Longacre, Jack, wants tabletop copier, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p11
Longacre, Jack, wants typewriter for newsletter, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p20
Louisiana HP, Driskill Mtn, cairn rebuilt, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p9
Louisiana HP, Driskill Mtn, HP update/details, AZ 3Q '94 #26 p9
Lutz, Rick, seeks partner/info for UT/WY + Aconcagua, AZ 3Q '93 #22 p4
Mages, Patrick, milestone, Mt Elbrus, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p12
Mallory, Rick, Pennant 4 to MI, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p11
Marshall, Bruce, project, simultaneous 50 HP summit day, AZ 3Q '93 #22 p2
Marshall, Bruce, project, simultaneous 50 HP summit day, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p5
Martin, Andy, book, County High Points, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p6
Martin, Andy, Forty (40) HPs, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p7,
Martin, Andy, got Gannett WY HP, ->47 HPs, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p16
Martin, Andy, list, has list of cty HPs, 23 states, AZ 3Q '93 #22 p13
Martin, Andy, list of AK county HPs, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p19
Martin, Andy, list of RI county HPs, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p19
Martin, Sara, Forty (40) HPs, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p7,
Martin, Tom, HI, sea-to-summit bike ride, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p7
Martin, Tom, seeks partner for WY, AZ 3Q '93 #22 p4
Maryland HP, Backbone Mtn, developement, lament, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p14
Mauna Kea, 'ad' for summit tour, Waipio Valley Shuttle, AZ 3Q '94 #26 p10
May, Pete, cartoon, bear on HP, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p11
May, Pete, cartoon, this is HP?, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p8
McCauley, Mike, Forty (40) HPs, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p7,
McCorkell, Jon, completed CO 14ers, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p16
McGinley, Jim, got Cotopaxi & R.Pichincha, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p6
McKinley, Mt, rescue fee imposed, AZ 3Q '94 #26 p4
McNeight, Jerry, new member, has WA/AK/Shasta,etc., AZ 3Q '93 #22 p5
ME Katahdin, article on elevation, AZ 3Q '93 #22 p13
Members, Honorary, Allan & LaJoyce Griggs, OK, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p13
Membership > 1000, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p23
Membership list, new, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p11
Membership list, new, AZ 3Q '93 #22 p9
Membership list, new, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p15
Membership list, new, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p11
Membership list, new, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p15
Membership list, new, AZ 3Q '94 #26 p12
Membership list, new, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p20
Membership list, old, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p11
Menger, Tom, Pennant 4, IL, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p5
Mercer, Don, Forty (40) HPs, 45, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p14
Messaros, Roy, photo at 48 state Geo-center, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p4
Messaros, Roy, super nice guy towards HP owners, AZ 3Q '94 #26 p11
Michalek, Rich, question what is a highpoint? AZ 2Q '94 #25 p9
Michaud, Elmer F, Bio sketch, AZ 3Q '94 #26 p13
Michigan LP, Questions, what is HP of LP?, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p19
Michigan LP HP, visit by Mark Kelland, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p10
Milestone, Clark Hall, completed 50 lowpoints, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p12
Milestone, Allen Zondlak, visited every county, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p9
Mitchler, John, had Denver area cookout, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p14
Mitchler, John, sponsor Denver area cookout, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p14
Mitchler, John, trash patrol on KY HP, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p14
Moehrle, Ivan, seeks partner, OR, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p5
Moseley, Clarkson, HP update ID, ice bridge, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p13
Moseley, Clarkson, Forty (40) HPs, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p7,
Murphy, Ed, project, roadside park, ND HP, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p13
Museum, HPers, TBD, received summit rock from Aconcagua, AZ 3Q '94 #26 p6
Museum, HPers, TBD, received summit rock from Ojo del Salado, AZ 3Q '94 #26 p6
Museum, HPers, TBD, received summit rock from Mt Roraima, AZ 3Q '94 #26 p6
Name Badges, engraved, available from Don Holmes, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p5
Nature Conservancy, club membership for OK HP, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p5
Neeling, John, new member, has WY/NM/ID/NH/NV/CA, AZ 3Q '93 #22 p5
Nelson, Jan, got Gennett WY HP, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p16
Nelson, Ray, got Gannett WY HP, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p16
New York City, county HP tour account, L.Wexler, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p21
Newsletter, Index, David Olson, offer, AZ 3Q '93 #22 p3
Newsletter, reprint of 1st AZ, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p1
Newsletter, this one is a "real" n-, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p3
Newsletter, typewriter, will get new one, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p20
Nice Guy, Super, Roy Messaros, towards private HP owners, AZ 3Q '94 #26 p11
Nirvana, Mt. NWT, account of attempt, Jack Bennett, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p14
Nolland, Craig & Mary Jane, Pennant 4, SC, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p5
Nolland, Craig, Forty (40) HPs, 44, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p14
NWT HP, Mt Nirvana, account of attempt, Jack Bennett, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p14
OK HP, summit certificate @ Kenton Mercantile store, AZ 3Q '94 #26 p6
OK HP, UFO abductions, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p23
Olson, David, got Orizaba, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p11
Olson, David, list, 2nd HPs, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p16
Olson, David, newsletter index, offer, AZ 3Q '93 #22 p3
Olson, David, trivia, Harney Pk SD, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p3
Orizaba, Mt, on Chuck Thuot's resume, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p2
Palladino, Nick, Forty (40) HPs, 43, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p10
Parsell, Jack, Vin Hoeman award, awarded it, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p10
Parsell, Jack, Vin Hoeman award, nominated for, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p14
Pennant 3, retired, HP hoppers, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p5
Pennant 4, available for AK/CO/NC/UT, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p5
Pennant 4, FL, Larry Lapp, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p5
Pennant 4, IL, Tom Menger & Cathy Curtis, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p5
Pennant 4, MI, Rick Mallory, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p11
Pennant 4, MS, Mark & Donna Kelland, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p11
Pennant 4, NE, Chick Hudson, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p11
Pennant 4, NV, Chick Hudson, field report, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p6
Pennant 4, NC, still available for NC, AZ 3Q '94 #26 p7
Pennant 4, ND, Evan Jones, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p6
Pennant 4, OK, Dave Epperson, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p11
Pennant 4, SC, Craig & Mary Jane Nolland, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p5
Pennant 4, still available for NC, AZ 3Q '94 #26 p7
Pennant 4, still available for AK/CO/NC/WA/DC, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p14
Pennant 4, TN, John Tedeschi, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p5
Pennant 4, UT, Fred Cook, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p6
Pennant 4, WI, Ray & Jan Nelson, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p5
Pennants, new ones for sale, J.Epperson, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p3
Petersen, Rick, seeks partner, MT north face, AZ 3Q '93 #22 p4
Photo, pennant 4 on NV, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p7
Photo, 48 state Geo-center, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p4
Poem, by Patrick Mages, on Mt Elbrus, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p12
Porter, Annette, Forty (40) HPs, 40, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p14
Porter, Rick, Fifty Peaks project, disabled climbers, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p6
Private HP owners, IL, climbing report, AZ 3Q '94 #26 p10
Private HP owners, IL, problem with realtors, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p13
Products, caps with HP Logo, Bill Smith, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p7
Products, caps with HP Logo, Bill Smith, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p12
Products, plastic boots, trade, Adrian Crane, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p11
Products, snowshoes (1), mittens, David Kennedy, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p11
Products, t-shirts, Ken Jones, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p7
Projects, APEX 4 persons up the 50 HPs, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p2
Projects, APEX 4 persons up the 50 HPs, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p7
Projects, APEX 4 persons up the 50 HPs, report, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p11
Projects, Fifty Peaks project, disabled climbers, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p6
Projects, Fifty Peaks, itinerary, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p7
Projects, naming/marking IN HP, M.Brewer, AZ 3Q '93 #22 p2
Projects, National Trails Day, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p9
Projects, photo contest proposed, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p5
Projects, roadside park, ND HP, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p13
Projects, simultaneous 50 HP summit day, B. Marshall, AZ 3Q '93 #22 p2
Projects, speed record, 50 HPs, disabled climbers, AZ 3Q '93 #22 extra
Projects, Utah county HPs, metal plaques on each, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p5
Puzzle, crossword, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p17
Questions, what is geographic center of HPs, J.Longacre, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p19
Questions, what is HP of MI Lower Peninsula, R.Gnagy, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p19
Quotes, see also sayings
Quote, Henry Beston, AZ 3Q '94 #26 p6
Quote, Laidlaw, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p22
Quote, John Muir, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p6
Quote, John Muir, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p3
Quote, Robert Leonard Reid, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p6
Rainier, Mt, WA, book by Don Jacobs, AZ 3Q '94 #26 p6
Rambach, Whit, Completer, #38, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p4
Rambach, Whit, new member, got AK, AZ 3Q '94 #26 p7
Rambach, Whit, sets HP 50 speed record, w.T.Huston, 66 days, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p5
Rambach, Whit, will assist Todd Houston's HP speed plan, AZ 3Q '94 #26 p4
Rand, Jeff, Completer, #34, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p3
Rand, Jeff, List of old state HPs, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p23
Rand, Jeff, Record, Speed, # of HPs in one day, 9, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p14
Record, Speed, # of Days to do 50 HPs, 66 days, Todd Huston, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p5
Record, Speed, # of Days to do 50 HPs, 66 days, Whit Rambach, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p5
Record, Speed, # of HPs in one day, 7, Kevin Foote, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p4
Record, Speed, # of HPs in one day, 9, Dave Byers, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p14
Record, Speed, # of HPs in one day, 9, Jeff Rand, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p14
Registors on HPs, Mark Comstock, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p4
Reinhard, Bob, Forty (40) HPs, 44, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p10
Report, Climbing, ID, ice bridge, Clarkson Moseley, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p13
Report, Climbing, WY, gooseneck couloir, Gary Szelc, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p13
Restaurants, AZ, unnamed, Tuba City, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p14
Restaurants, NM, El Pueblo, Taos, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p5
Restaurants, NM, Ricky's, Taos, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p5
Restaurants, NY, old hotel in Long Lake NY, AZ 3Q '94 #26 p11
Rhode Island HP, HP updates, restricted access, plot map, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p7
Rhode Island HP, report on restricted access, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p17
Richardson, Mr., RI HP, refuses access, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p17
Road, Highest public, each state, research project, AZ 3Q '94 #26 p7
Robinson, Terry, Forty (40) HPs, 40, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p10
Rock-climbing, Black Hills, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p8
Roper, John, new member, has WA/OR/ID/CA/NH, AZ 3Q '93 #22 p5
St. Elias, Mt, on Chuck Thuot's resume, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p2
Sawyer, Tom, Completer, #32, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p2
Saying, see also quotes
Saying, William Beebe, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p15
Saying, Edward S. Curtis, 1914, AZ 3Q '93 #22 p13
Saying, from movie "The Climb", AZ 3Q '93 #22 p4
Saying, Harold V. Melchert, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p16
Saying, Navajo, AZ 3Q '93 #22 p5
Saying, Thoreau, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p11
Saying, Thoreau, AZ 3Q '93 #22 p12
Saying, Thoreau, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p9
Seiser, Virginia, got Illiniza Norte & Cotopaxi, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p7
Seiser, Virginia, provided Mt Logan Canada reference, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p9
Seiser, Virginia, send in SAEC expedition notice, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p10
Self, Steven, seeking fellow librarians, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p11
Sights-to-see, Natchez Trace parkway, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p14
Sights-to-see, NE/CO/WY tristate marker, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p14
Smith, Bill, got Granite MT HP, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p16
Snacks, suggestions, D.Olson, AZ 3Q '93 #22 p9
South American Explorer Club expedition notice, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p10
Stanislawski, Tim, Expert/resident in HI, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p4
Stebbins, C.Rowland, Bio sketch, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p16
Steinke, Peter, new member, has WA+OR, AZ 3Q '94 #26 p7
Stewart, Josh, age 9, accomplishments, AZ 3Q '93 #22 p12
Stewart, Josh, got Kilomanjaro, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p11
Stewart, Michael, new member, has WA 4x, AK 2x, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p6
Stoldt, David, Forty (40) HPs, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p12
Story, reference to three legged pig s-, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p3
Storeth, Gerry, question, fastest 2 HPs, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p10
Summit Registers, mini, nice idea, AZ 3Q '94 #26 p11
Sumner, Jean, got Granite MT HP, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p16
Sumner, Lloyd, got Granite MT HP, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p16
Sumner, Lloyd, Completer, #40, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p6
Suttle, Gary, CA county HPs, with book, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p8
Suttle, Gary, CA County HPs, book, by Gary Suttle, AZ 3Q '94 #26 p5
Szelc, Gary, Forty (40) HPs, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p12
Szelc, Gary, Forty (40) HPs, 48, MT+AK to go, AZ 3Q '94 #26 p8
Szelc, Gary, Forty (40) HPs, 49, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p14
Szelc, Gary, HP updates, WY, gooseneck couloir, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p13
Theodore Roosevelt Nat. Park, AZ 3Q '94 #26 p12
Thistlehwaite, Glen, Forty (40) HPs, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p7,
Thuot, Chuck, completed, #29, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p3
Thuot, Chuck, completed, correction, #30, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p1
Thuot, Chuck, completion photograph, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p2
Thuot, Chuck, resume, impressive, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p2
Tilroe, George, story, three legged pig, reference to, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p3
Tomc, Rich, Forty (40) HPs, 43, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p10
Trails, Bruce trail Ontario, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p4
Treasurer's report, =1646.24, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p11
Treasurer's report, =1283.32, AZ 3Q '93 #22 p9
Treasurer's report, =1661.36, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p15
Treasurer's report, =1790.57, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p11
Treasurer's report, =1657.58, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p15
Treasurer's report, =2359.23, AZ 3Q '94 #26 p12
Treasurer's report, =2930.76, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p19
Treasurer's report, good guys fund, =672.41, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p15
Treasurer's report, good guys fund, =767.41, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p11
Treasurer's report, good guys fund, =898.41, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p15
Treasurer's report, good guys fund, =936.91, AZ 3Q '94 #26 p12
Treasurer's report, good guys fund, =1117., AZ 4Q '94 #27 p19
Treasurer's report, Zumwalt Foundation, =140, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p15
Treasurer's report, Zumwalt Foundation, =165, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p19
Treasurer's report, 3Q, hand in till, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p10
Trails, National Trails Day, American Hiking Society, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p9
Trip accessories, books on tape, J.Longacre, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p15
Trip report, see also HP updates
Trip report, see also Report
Trip report, CT, pure (south), R.Burchalter, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p15
Trip report, FL, T.Davidson,M.O'Connor, AZ 3Q '93 #22 p8
Trip report, Guyana, T.Canon, AZ 3Q '94 #26 p10
Trip report, HI, W.Balcom, AZ 3Q '93 #22 p8
Trip report, HI, Phil & Betty Heald, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p13
Trip report, ID, challenging, John Lodefink, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p18
Trip report, IL, Paul Wheelhouse, vs. a bull, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p14
Trip report, IL, J.Harknett+V.Golbeck, AZ 3Q '94 #26 p10
Trip report, ME, Katahdin, James & Mina Lou Jenner, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p18
Trip report, NWT, J.Bennett, attempt, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p14
Trip report, OK, B.Jacobs, AZ 3Q '94 #26 p10
Trip report, OR, M.Wilson, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p10
Trip report, Shasta, J.Jenner, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p10
Trip report, SD, T.Menger/C.Curtis cathedral spires rte, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p13
Trip report, Venezuela, T.Canon, AZ 3Q '94 #26 p10
Trip report, VA, G.Szelc, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p10
Trip report, WY, J.Russell, AZ 3Q '93 #22 p7
Trivia, Harney Pk SD, David Olson, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p3
Typo, Gannett in MT, caught by Doyle Dikes, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p5
Typo, Mt Whitney, not McKinley, #23 Rich Gnagy article, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p4
Typo, t-shirts-Ken-Jones, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p4
UFO's, abductions on Black Mesa OK, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p23
Utah county HPs, project, metal plaques on each, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p5
Van Daele, Angeline Buzalsky, owner ND HP, remarried, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p10
Vandersluis, George, Dinner/climb 1993, arrangements, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p1
Vandersluis, Mary, Dinner/climb 1993, arrangements, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p1
Vanvliet, Glenn, Completer-48, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p6
Vedovell, Rudy, done Mt Kosciusko, Australia, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p9
Versaw, Ray, got Rainier WA HP, ->45 HPs, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p16
Vershaw, Ray, Lightning incident on Mt Huron CO, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p14
Via, Alan, License plates, PEAKBAGR, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p10
Vin Hoeman award nominees 1993, J.Parsell, D.Berens, C.Hall, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p14
Vin Hoeman award nominees 1994, none, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p4
Vin Hoeman award nominees 1994, mystery nomination, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p4
Vin Hoeman award 1993, Don Berens, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p7
Vin Hoeman award 1994, Clark Hall & Jack Parsell, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p10
Vinson, Mt, Antarctica, on Chuck Thuot's resume, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p2
Vinson, Mt, Antarctica, S.Bartley, D.Bartley, D.Keaton, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p10
Wagener, Jeff, Colorado 14er speed record 13.96 days, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p6
Waggener, Chris, got Whitney, El'brus. has Kilomanjaro, AZ 2Q '94 #25 p11
Wagner, Carl, Forty, new member, AZ 3Q '94 #26 p7
Weidner, David, Forty (40) HPs, 40, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p14
Welenofsky, Al, Boy Scout HPers at Philmont, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p10
Wexler, Lanny, New York City county HP tour, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p21
Wexler, Lanny, trivia, see 3 HPs from VT HP, AZ 3Q '94 #26 p6
White Mtn Peak CA, recommended, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p19
Whitehead, Dennis, Completer, #36, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p4
Widlund, Woody, got Gannett WY HP, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p16
Widlund, Woody, got Hood OR HP, AZ 4Q '94 #27 p16
Wiedner, Dan, new member, has 5 HPs, including AK, AZ 3Q '94 #26 p7
Williamson, Mt, on Chuck Thuot's resume, AZ 1Q '94 #24 p2
Wilson, Mike, got WY/OR/WA, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p6
Witt, Janice, Forty (40) HPs, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p12
Witt, Tod, Forty (40) HPs, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p12
WV HP summit photo, before the tower, AZ 3Q '94 #26 p6
Zondlak, Allen, milestone, visited every county, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p9
Zumwalt, Paul, proposed honoria for, AZ 2Q '93 #21 p9
Zumwalt, Wayne, baseball park trip, AZ 4Q '93 #23 p18

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