Club Mentioned in Article on Sassafras Mountain

Highpointer News February 12, 2015
Thanks Heyward Douglass, executive director of the Foothills Trail Conference, for the shoot out of the Highpointers Club in a wonderful article about the new viewing platform on Sassafras Mountain that appeared in the Citizen-Times on February 9, 2015, in article by Karen Chavez headlined, “Highest Point in SC to get view on NC Border.” The shootout included:

Heyward said the iconic status of Sassafras as the highest point in South Carolina has been known for decades, but it has been a place hard to reach, especially for those in the Highpointers Club, a national group of hikers that attempts to reach the highest point in each of the 50 states…Douglass said the new platform will serve many functions — a notch in the belt for the Highpointers, a starting, ending or resting point for those traversing the Foothills Trail, another destination of note for South Carolina’s tourism office (maybe even in time for fall foliage season), and another place to stop and wonder at the region’s natural beauty.

Frank Ashley Award Ceremony for Sid Collins in South Carolina

We are happy to see the Easley Patch reporting on Sid Collins receiving the Frank Ashley Award for his work on Sassafras Mountain. The award was presented at an Easley Kiwannis Club by Chamber of Commerce President Kent Dykes.

South Carolina Buys Sassafras Summit

Many thanks to Mike Burton for passing this along from the Carolina Channel. This is discussed in the forum.

The state now owns South Carolina’s highest peak. The Natural Resources Department has bought two acres at the top of Sassafras Mountain from Duke Energy for $50,000 earlier this month. The sale guarantees public access to the 3,560-foot peak in northern Pickens County.