Page Abstract
Cover Map prepared by Mohammed Ellzoy showing Frissell and neighboring county highpoints.
2 John and Dave Note from the Editors noting we have gone to pdf submission format, that Backpacker is coming out with highpoint article and that Pat Cook from Microsoft has donate low cost Office Pro 2003 to the club
3 Jean Trousdale writes about Jakk be carried internationally by Barb Gurtler to highpoints of England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales; Al Welenofsky and Mick Dunn sent him to Poland and Slovakia; Gabriel Seitlinger escorted Jack to the highpoints of the Austrian provinces and Stuart Rudolph took him to Ecaudor.  Mario Locatelli took him to Kilimanjaro and Stuart Smith up Elbrus
3 Wayne Lowen writes about taking Jack to Thailand
4 Jean Trousdale writes about a proposal to establish a memorial on his property now owned by Lorrie Krontz in Missouri
5 Rheinhold Ullrich on 50 completion; Don Schulze on 48 Completion
6 Dave Covill essay on locations for future conventions
7 Oliver Kozlowski asking for help on finishing the signpost.
8 George Vandersluis Treasurer Report and Don Holmes President's Message.
9 Roger Rowlett Chairman Column on events during his three-year tenure
10 P. Thom Davis/Stevo Harding and Chris Wentworth on organizing the 2005 convention on Sept. 2-3.  Host site will be
10 New State liaison - Arkanas: Mark James Mullins; Indiana Ken Henrickson, Kansas Nancy Van Hoozeir, Louisiana Ray Scott, Missouri Alan Ritter and New Mexico William and Cargle Zorumski
10 Robert Hyman on Good Guys and Gals Fund
10 Jean Trousdale on Todd Huston's proposal for highpoint calendars
10 Diane Winger on volunteer opportunities
11 Candidates running for Board (Kevin Baker, Chuck Bickes, Rick Hartman, Robert Hyman, Mary Maurer, John Mitchler, Roger Rowlett, Jim Sutton, Tonya Sykes)
12 New Members
14 Don Holmes Interview With Publisher Mike Chessler
15 Stuart Smith completes Seven Summits
17 Dennis and Geri Stewart on plans to pack, paddle and pedal 4,500 miles from Cape Disappointment in Washington at the mouth of the Columbia River to the Atlantic Ocean at Yorktown, Virginia
17 Thom Davis on records in climbing Northeast peaks
18 K. Kyle Atkins on the hazards of campfires at high altitudes
19 James Wedekind and Brian Kurz on 5,750 mile, 14 highpoint drive in 12 days
21 Robert Greene on Midwest highpointing
23 Dave Rabiger on the Fifty Highest or Fifty Best
24 Doug Heroux on Denali to Driskill
25 Kurt Mitchler on his encounters with Mallory daughter Clare Millikan who died in 2001 at age of 85.
26 Washington 2004 Coverage
32 Corey Fields and Jennifer Barlow photo at Bonnie & Clyde Memorial
33 Dave Olson on county highpoint opporuntities
33 Andy Martin on Arizona County Highpointing
34 Rick Hartman S.afety O.n Summits and the 10 Essentials
35 Kevin Baker on his car burning up while county highpointing in Kansas
36 Highpoint Updates including Oakleigh Westfall working with Mrs. Kim Gobel to fix vandalism of the Indiana Highpoint, The Grand Forks editorial urging government ownership of North Dakota Highpoint
39 Klimbin' Kollaboroator requests for Gannett, Granite,Denali
40 Dave Covill review of the Highpoint Guidebooks
43 Jack's Motomo Kayak and property is on the market
44 David Powers Book on South Carolina Peaks Above 3,000 Feet
Back Wendy Hecht Proposal on Eagle Mountain

Apex to Zenith

Issue 64

First Quarter 2004

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