#3 ID-NV-UT |
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Type: | Private Land - 3mi |
Elevation: | 5,233ft / 1,595m |
Lat/Lon (WGS84): | 41°59'37.68" N, 114°02'29.40" W |
41.993799, -114.041501 |
11T 745051 4653323 |
Lat/Lon (NAD27): | 41°59'38.00" N, 114°02'26.25" W |
41.993890, -114.040626 |
11T 745130 4653122 |
USGS Quadrangle: | Nile Spring (NV) (large ZIP/PDF) |
Benchmark: Name="Three Corners"
PID=AJ1672 (NGS Datasheet)
Maps: [Sat]
Bing [Topo]
Gmap4 MyTopo [Peaks]
Photos: Flickr,
Videos: Vimeo,
Weather: NWS Forecase,
NOAA Snow Depth
Nearby POI: Opencaching.us,
Nearby Highpoints:
149mi/239km - Borah Peak, ID
208mi/335km - Kings Peak, UT
238mi/383km - Gannett Peak, WY
304mi/490km - Granite Peak, MT
Nearby Tripoints:
153mi/247km - #2 ID-NV-OR
153mi/247km - #6 ID-UT-WY
228mi/367km - #5 ID-MT-WY
267mi/430km - #7 CO-UT-WY
306mi/492km - #1 CA-NV-OR
The Corner Corner: http://www.bjbsoftware.com/corners/pointdetail.php3?point=36
Wikipedia notes: Marked with a granite monument inscribed with the respecitve states' names.
HPC Forum: #3 ID-NV-UT
Newsletter index: •
#81-08q2 p29 [Jeff Senten] 5 Utah tripoints in 24:46 - youtube.com/watch?v=0a95hvE57wg
#104-14q1 p36 [Jeff Senten] 5 Utah tripoints in 24:46 - Youtube 'cornering utah'
#107-14q4 p39 [Carol Radford] ID-NV-UT notes
Trip Report - June 27, 1991 - Jack Parsell
ACCESS ROUTE: From Burley, Idaho take route 27 for 21 miles S to Oakley. Turn R (West) onto Main St., then L (South) on College St. which at 1.5 mi. becomes Goose Creek Rd. Bear left at the turnoff to Goose Creek Reservoir, then up to the top of a hill and on down to Goose Creek. Follow the creek to the UT line at about 21 mi. S of Oakland at a cattle guard (no sign). Stop about 1 mi. farther at the Fred Bedkey ranch and get permission to go on the property. From the UT line it is 3.1 mi. to where a gate blocks a road at a bend in the main road. This farm road, which bears off to the right, is part of the old Emigrant/California Trail. Park and hike 0.7 mi. to the NV border. Then hike 2.1 miles N in Nevada to the tri-point along the NV-UT fence line, wading Goose Creek, shortly after starting out, or in high water, use the bridge about 1/2 mi. W, then return to the NV-UT line. Check with local residents for other possible routes.
The state of Utah had a new granite monument made for this location in 1998. After much research the BLM cadastral survey office found the exact corner was beneath the old 1873 marker at the intersection of the state line fences. Evidence of burnt wood chips placed below the old marker by Mr. Majors were discovered. The new monument was installed and a dedication ceremony was held on October 2, 1999.
Newsletter - #107-14q4-p39 - Carol Radford
ID-NV-UT was a three day adventure. One afternoon was spent seeking permission to go on the property. A tenant rancher gave us a phone number. Two calls went un-answered and un-returned. On day two we returned to the area looking for an alternative access. That's when we met the rancher driving down the road. He graciously gave us the code for the locked gates saying we could drive to the marker. The procedure: drive to gate; unlock gate; drive through gate; lock gate; turn the tumblers. Do this seven times.
Then we reached the top of a hill. Looking down at the bottom it appeared to be quite sandy. Didn't want to get stuck coming back up so we decided to park and walk. By this time it was mid-afternoon and quite hot. I was uncomfortable in the heat, so we back tracked and went to a motel for the night. Day three, we got an early start, drove 30 miles from the motel to the ranch. After repeating all the unlocking and locking of gates we finally reached our goal.