Mick and Ruth Anne at the Friday social during the Maine 2013 convention.
The Huffington Post has a nifty interview with Maine 2013 host Mick Dunn.
Here’s a couple excerpts:
All of us are very objective-minded — whether it’s Delaware and a paved road; it’s Mount Washington [the highest point in New Hampshire], where you drive to the top; or Mount Rainier, which is a pretty serious climb. It’s an objective list. It’s a mindset. When I roll into a town, one of the first things I do is look for the highest skyscraper, and make a beeline for it. It’s the way I’ve always been, and a lot of us are the same way. We have subgroups, like the county highpointers, who go to the highest point in each county…I did South Dakota [Harney Peak] in 1982, over Memorial Day weekend — but the light bulb hadn’t clicked on. One New Year’s Eve, my [then-]wife and I borrowed another young couple’s car, and we decided we’d drive around Monongahela National Forest. We had the old Rand McNally maps, and we came across the little symbol for the highpoint. That’s when it occurred to me that I’d hiked the first one in South Dakota. So we walked to the top [of Spruce Knob] in shin-high snow, and on New Year’s Day we said, “Oh, look, there’s Maryland’s highpoint [Backbone Mountain], not very far away.” That’s when the light bulb went on, and I said, How many of these can I do?
Thanks Mick & Ruth Anne for a wonderful convention in lovely Maine. Was a great time…..lots of planning and appreciated.
Thanks Mick & Ruth Anne for a great Maine convention. Had a wonderful time. Everything was very much appreciated. Great Job.