The 3rd Quarter 2004 Highpointers Club Newsletter includes a rare photo of C. Rowland Stebbins and A.H. Marshall who until 1955 were the only two to have visited all 48 state highpoints.
It also has completion reports for Richard Carey and Mario Locatelli as well as 48 finishers Beckie Covill, Dave Covill and Eric Nylund.
Contests of Newsletter
02 A Note From Your Editor
02 Errata
03 Errata
03 Volunteers
04 Le Cache, Chairman
05 Liaison, NH 05
06 New Members
08 Jack Longacre
09 Griggs, Cell Phone
10 50 Completers
12 48 Finishers
13 Interview: Charlie & Diane Winger
15 End of Search, Richards
15 Klimbin’ Kollaborators
16 Backpacker, Appalachian Trail
17 Handstand Photos, Ralston
18 Washington 04 Convention
20 HP Updates
24 Milestone
28 Park Pointing
29 S.O.S
30 Geoff Godfrey
31 County Highpointer
35 The Merc
Deadline for next issue: November 15, 2004