The Lake County News-Sun has an article on 50-completer Tim Townsend.
Always quotable Tim was at the Maine convention in Millenocket and his blogs of his adventures have been around for more than 15 years. We last posted here on his proposed Highpointers Secret Handshake.
Here’s some of his famous take on the club:
Townsend’s quest started in 1996 after he and his wife hiked the 8,700-foot Guadalupe Peak in Texas. There, they met two young guys from Los Angeles who had just been to Nebraska’s high point. “They enthusiastically told us about their highpoints vacation-in-progress and the Highpointers Club,” Townsend said. “We were hooked… It’s a loose irreverent club,” he explained. “They put out a funny newsletter four times a year and it’s a chance to tell tall tales.”
Grayslake native reaches peak of all 50 states – Lake County News-Sun.