Hoosier Hill Bench Vandalized

DSC_1290 Bench at Hoosier Hill
We’re getting the report from Stony Burk that a bench at Hoosier Hill that had been added as a Scout Eagle Scout project has been vandalized.

2005 Frank Ashley Awards for Work on DC, IN and SC and Newsletter Column

The Highpointers Club gave five Frank Ashley awards for work in South Carolina, Indiana, District of Columbia

Kyle Cummings Eagle Project Transforms Indiana’s Hoosier Hill

Kyle Cummings on Indiana HighpointFor the past few years Hoosier Hill had been a bit forboding. The summit in a clump of woods was down an overgrown trail. You took your life in your hands climbing a broken stile over a fence. And you always risked getting stuck in the mud when you pulled off the road.

Other Privately Owned Highpoints

Indiana – Be careful about the kids and farm equipment.

Kansas – The owners have created a nice park. Be respectful!

Louisiana – You’re crossing private property as you walk past the church into the woods

Michigan – The highpoint is owned by Meade Paper. They have spent thousands of dollars to grade the road and want you to park by a pond about a half mile from the summit.

Mississippi – The highpoint is privately owned and there’s a cluster of antenna on the summit.

Nebraska – This privately owned highpoint is requesting $5 donations. They also do not wish you to hike across its fields to the Colorado-Wyoming-Nebraska Tri-State marker. Respect the buffalo!!!