Regional Gatherings

The Highpointers Club holds an annual convention each year – usually near a state highpoint. While not official, many members have social gatherings throughout the year in different areas of the country. Club members can ask the Newsletter Editor ( for a regional subset of contact information for other club members in their area. You might consider posting an announcement in our “Looking for … Meetups” forum, the “Unofficial Highpointers Group” on Yahoo! or “50 State Highpointing Group” on Facebook.

You can see some of the recent gatherings below:

Portland Micro Gathering 2017 – Facebook

On Nov 20, 2017, a micro-convention gathered in Portland, Oregon hosted by Ardel Frick. In the photo (taken by Bob Bolton) are Steve Wagoner, Rick Craycraft, Ardel Frick, Kathy Dalsaso, Charlie Feris, Marie Feris, Rhonda Huffaker Bolton, John Mitchler and Joe Whittington

Arizona Regional Gathering 2017 – #116-17q1-p7

There was yet another “regional gathering” of Highpointers, this time in Prescott, Arizona, on March 1, 2017, hosted by Terry & Rick Hartman.

Pacific Northwest Regional Gathering 2016 – #115-16q4-p12

On January 21, 2017, Marie & Charlie Feris hosted a Pacific Northwest Gathering for Highpointers and a few of his past climbing buddies. This informal event was held in a reserved room at McMenamins Broadway Pub in Portland, and attracted 16 Highpointers from Oregon and Washington. [Ed: The full article can be read in the Apex to Zenith newsletter.]

NYC Regional Gathering 2006 – article and photos

After a wonderful brunch, the highpointers attempted to climb Brooklyn’s highest point on April 29, 2006.

NYC Highpointers Brunch 2002 – article and photos

On April 27, 2002, Roger Rowlett organized the First Annual Brunch and New York City highpoint walk.