Author Archives: Clint Kaul

Jack Longacre – Highpointers Club Founder and President (1938-2002)

ARCADIA, MO — Jack Longacre, 64, founder and president of the national Highpointers Club died on Oct. 15, 2002, near his home on Taum Sauk highest point of Missouri after a long bout with cancer. Jack made the claim that … Continue reading

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Jack Longacre’s last convention – OK 2002

Jakk was able to attend the 2002 Highpointers Konvention in Black Mesa, Oklahoma in late September, less than one month before he died. You can read an excerpt from Brendan Leonard’s thesis “Because it is there” (page 24) for more … Continue reading

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Fifty Flags Over America Project

Following the Sept. 11 attack, the Highpointers Club has launched the “50 Flags Over America” project. Highpointers from around the country carried the American flag to the highest geographical point in each of the 50 states and the District of … Continue reading

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OK 2002 Convention Photos – Album #2

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OK 2002 Convention Photos – Album #1

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OK 2002 Convention Schedule

See the Photo Albums – Album #1, Album #2 and Jakk Longacre Listen to Oklahoma Black Mesa is OK in ’02 Highpointers Convention September 18-22 Read Jean’s History of Black Mesa! APPLICATION FOR CONVENTION Pre-Convention EVENING Activities Our Pre-Convention Activities … Continue reading

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Highpointers Brunch – April 27, 2002

Thirty-three persons attended what will hopefully be the first annual New York City Highpointers Spring Brunch and County Highpoint Climb on April 27, 2002, organized by Club Chairman Roger Rowlett. Brunch was served Chinese style at the China Peace Restaurant … Continue reading

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Happy 90th Birthday Paul Zumwalt!

(Photos courtesy of Diane Winger) Highpointers joined in celebrating Highpointer Legend Paul Zumwalt’s 90th birthday on March 30 in Peroria, Illinois. Paul wrote his guidebook to the highest points at age 76. You can buy it at the HP Merc … Continue reading

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Interview with John Mitchler and Dave Covill

[Published in Apex to Zenith #55 – Fourth Quarter 2001] By: Roger Rowlett It’s hard to imagine what the Club would be like without the efforts of John Mitchler and Dave Covill. Just take a look at their contributions: Since … Continue reading

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Highpointing on September 11, 2001

[Published in Apex to Zenith #55 – Fourth Quarter 2001] By: Roger Rowlett Given the date of my hike (Sept 9-11, 2001) and the fact I’m from New York City, my hike up Kings Peak took and return drive across … Continue reading

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