Author Archives: Clint Kaul

Mike Clemens Is Flying High After Finish the 48!

[Published in Apex to Zenith #51 – Fourth Quarter 2000] Highlight on Mount Mitchell: “going for an evening stroll, and stumbling on a moonshiner’s camp in the woods.” Okay, I’ve put this off long enough, hoping to snag Denali for … Continue reading

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Carrie Sears Bell Taps Family Expertise to Become 15th Woman To Finish 48 States (on Gannett)

[Published in Apex to Zenith #51 – Fourth Quarter 2000] “The biggest drawback [on Denali] is leaving my husband and two children for three weeks.” I am writing to let you know that I reached the top of my 49th … Continue reading

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Steve Packer’s Ordeal Ends in Success With His 50th Highpoint on Wheeler Peak

[Published in Apex to Zenith #51 – Fourth Quarter 2000] “…it cost me nine of my fingers and toes, 12 surgeries, and 15 months out of work” We got up at 4 AM. After hot coffee and a fortifying breakfast, … Continue reading

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Greg Griffith Returns to Rhode Island for #50

[Published in Apex to Zenith #51 – Fourth Quarter 2000] “It all started after having received Don Holmes book as “recuperative reading” material following a May 1994 paragliding accident that resulted in a broken back.” I began my highpointing quest … Continue reading

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Issue #50 of “Apex to Zenith” Third Quarter 2000

Topic Page 48 Finishers• Chris Birrer Jr• Rich Birrer Jr• Danielle Birrer• Ken Oeser• Ed Fronheiser 9 – 12 50 Completers• Glenn Van Vliet• Henri Butler• Steve and Liz Fellstrom• D. Kahan• Dennis Stewart• Dale Stutesman• Richard White• Richard Birrer … Continue reading

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Richard Birrer Joins the Club with 50!

[Published in Apex to Zenith #50 – Third Quarter 2000] I was a mediocre athlete (swimming and diving) in high school and college. However, the Swiss genes have. been hard to disown, As a late-blooming dark horse I started climbing … Continue reading

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Richard White Saw ‘Em and Did ‘Em All 50!

[Published in Apex to Zenith #50 – Third Quarter 2000] Number done solo: 47, all but Denali, Rainier, and Hood.  Multiple Attempts: Driskill (2) scary lightning storm…Boundary (2) couldn’t find trail head Ever since I was young, I have wanted … Continue reading

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Dennis Stewart Finishes at the Hawaii Convention

[Published in Apex to Zenith #50 – Third Quarter 2000] I am only 4 states away from doing them [48 states] a third time! I would scan the horizon from my Rand-McNally Road Atlas in an attempt to locate that … Continue reading

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D. Kahan Klimbs Them All

[Published in Apex to Zenith #50 – Third Quarter 2000] First was Denali in April of ’88 (training for Everest). Did not know of the high points at that time. Later next year someone asked me about the HP’s. I … Continue reading

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Bill Watson – 50 Completions

I climbed my first highpoint (New Mexico) back in 1974 while working at Philmont Scout Ranch during the summer while I was in college. I picked up other highpoints along the way (Maine, Colorado, Washington, California, Hawaii, Oregon) when I … Continue reading

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