[Ed: Partial article from Apex to Zenith #49 – Second Quarter 2000]
Minnesota – Eagle Mountain
A proposal has been made to rename Eagle Mountain to Mount Vento in honor of Minnesota Congressman Bruce Vento who introduced legislation 22 years ago that expanded BWCWA to include Eagle Mountain. A poll on the highpointers bulletin board shows that 80% of the respondents are opposed to this name change. Details on Forum.
New York – Mt Marcy
The New York State DEC requested that hikers voluntarily not hike Mount Marcy in May and early June to prevent damage to the soggy trails. Details on Forum.
New York – Mt Marcy
Rules were imposed in the High Peaks of the Adirondacks in New York in April to require that dogs be leashed above 4,000 feet.
South Dakota – Harney Peak
A proposal has been made to impose a $10 fee in 2001 for entering the Black Elk Wilderness to climb Harney Peak. Custer State Park officials who probably would have to administer this are opposed to this move. Details on Forum.
Washington – Mt Rainier
The National Geographic Society announced in November that the latest survey shows the height of Mount Rainier is 14,411.05 feet. This is a foot height than what is officially recognized by the federal government. They are attempting to get federal recognition of the new height.
The 14,411 number was first discovered in 1988 but was not submitted for federal approval. The new height was determined from research in August with very sophisticated GPS devices.
Many web sites including highpointers.org and gorp.com are using the higher elevation.
Details are available in the Nov. 15, 1999, issue of the Seattle Times.
The National Geographic in May 1999 announced that Mount Everest is 29,035 feet — 7 feet taller than the old measurement.
In related news, on Monday, May 1, President Clinton ordered the military to quit scrambling the GPS satellite signals. With the scrambled signals, handheld GPS devices could be 100 yards off. With the signal unscrambled the accuracy should be within 10 yards. Details on Forum.