The Louisville Courier-Journal has a nice interview with Ann Coffey who completed 50 on Sunday, September 1 at Humphrey’s Peak.
The article notes:
Though it operates on the honor system and makes no claim of being comprehensive, the Highpointers Club lists only 241 climbers (and just 21 women) who had completed its 50-state challenge as of last October. The first recorded finisher was Vin Hoeman, a native of Murray, Ky., who checked the last mountain off his list in 1966 but perished three years later in an avalanche.
Kentucky’s newest Highpointer “list completer” is a vigorous 55-year-old vegan who serves as chief of staff for the office of university advancement at the University of Louisville. Though Coffey has spent most of her vacations and many of her discretionary dollars pursuing a goal with no material value and considerable personal risk, her tales of her treks are reminiscent of Julie Andrews’ Alpine reverie in the opening scene of “The Sound Of Music.”