On Nov. 16, 40 Highpointers met at the Fort Davidson Motel & Restaurant in Ironton, MO, for a memorial service titled “A Celebration of Jack’s Life.” Club chairman Roger Rowlett read a proclamation from Missouri Gov. Bob Holden, declaring Nov. 16, 2002 “Jack Longacre Day.” You can view the proclamation here.
After the ceremony, the Highpointers hiked to the summit of Taum Sauk, where Jack’s neighbors. Faith and Paul Light, scattered the first of many film canisters full of Jack’s ashes.
Alan Ritter at Jack Longacre Memorial
Bill Strickland – Jack Longacre Memorial
Tears From Elbert – Jack Longacre Memorial
Dave Covill at Jack Longacre Memorial
Don Holmes at Jack Longacre Memorial
Two of the Original 9 Highpointers – George Johnson and Dennis Whitehead at Jack Longacre Memorial
Paul Zumwalt at Jack Longacre Memorial Service
Jan and Ray Nelson at Jack Longacre Memorial
Suzanne Smith [Sierra Club] at Jack Longacre Memorial
Ann Eggebrect [Sierra Club] at Jack Longacre Memorial
Travis Cannon at Jack Longacre Memorial
Missouri Gov. Bob Holden’s Proclamation of Nov. 16 as Jack Longacre Day
Guests at Fort Davidson Motel for Jack Longacre Service
Jack Longacre Cleaning Job on County Route CC
Jack Longacre’s Family on Taum Sauk [Left to right: Chelsea Krontz (Jack’s granddaughter); Lorrie Krontz (Jack’s daughter); Second Row: Mandy Miller (Lorrie’s daughter); Barb Hendricks (Jack’s niece); Dave Hendricks (Jack’s half brother); Donna Hendricks (Dave’s wife); Haley Miller (Mandy’s daughter and Jack’s great-grandchild) Non-family members talking on the right are 50-completers Dennis Stewart and Travis Canon]
Faith and Paul Light Spread the Ashes
50-State Completers with Jack Longacre’s Ashes (Back Row: George Johnson, Dennis Whitehead, Ray Nelson, Don Holmes, Bob Failing, Barb Gurtler Front Row: Jan Nelson, Travis Canon, Dennis Stewart)
Jean Trousdale at Taum Sauk for the Spreading of Jack Longacre’s Ashes
Gary White leads a Toast with Wine left by Jack Longacre
Keep Klimbin’ Jack!
You can read more about the memorial services by reading Brendan Leonard’s thesis “Because it is there” (page 25).