Mark Adam, Kenyon Rainier Stebbins, Lyle & Kathy Blomberg, Bill Guenther, Blaine and Linda Sorenson, Al Dempsey, Mick Dunn Receive Frank Ashley Awards at 2013 Convention

Receiving the Frank Ashley Awards at the 2013 Convention were Mick Dunn, Mark Adam, Al Dempsey, and Bill Gunther.

Those receiving the award but not attending were Kenyon Rainier Stebbins, Lyle & Kathy Blomberg, and Blaine and Linda Sorenson.

Here’s their nominations:

Oral History of First 10 48 Completers

Charlie Feris (48 completer #11) gave a presentation on the first 10 48 completers during the 2010 Highpointers Convention. There is a colorful cast of characters and Charlie met most of them.