Author Archives: Clint Kaul

Chairman Column Third Quarter 2001

[Published in Apex to Zenith #54 – Third Quarter 2001] By: Roger Rowlett It’s been an eventful quarter. Our Backbone Mountain convention was the biggest ever. Missouri has expressed interest in partnering on the Highpointers Museum. Paul Zumwalt received our … Continue reading

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Issue #54 of “Apex to Zenith” Third Quarter 2001

Topic Page 48 Finishers• Mary Ann Castimore• Sam Collinson• Mac Clemens• Scott Holzhauser• Rick Sederberg• John Drew Mitchler 8 – 12 50 Completers• Mike Clemens• Dave Kennedy• John Lent• Kenny Pokora 3 – 8 Article – 50 Flags Over America … Continue reading

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Fifty Flags Over America – Photos Needed!

[Published in Apex to Zenith #54 – Third Quarter 2001] Following the Sept. 11 attack, the Highpointers Club has launched the “50 Flags Over America” project. Newsletter editors John Mitchler and Dave Covill would like to assemble them by Aug. … Continue reading

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Contest: Design a New Half-Way Pin

[Published in Apex to Zenith #54 – Third Quarter 2001] Here is your golden opportunity to project yourself into Highpointer Immortality! Currently, the Highpointer Club has two types of awards, achievement awards (for visiting highpoints) and service awards (volunteer work … Continue reading

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MD 2001 Convention Photos

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Campbell Hill, Ohio – America’s Strategic Highpoint

[Published in Apex to Zenith #53 – Second Quarter 2001] By Tom Minahan Roger Rowlett describes Campbell Hill’s “relatively steep west face leading to the obvious summit” and refers to it as “the most manicured of the state highpoints.” Now … Continue reading

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Kenyon Stebbins – 48-Completer #6 by age 14

As for a paragraph of my thoughts on being a “younger” highpointer, here’s my off-the-top-of-my-head thoughts. Now at age 51, as I look back on highpointing as a kid, I have nothing but wonderful memories. I went to dad’s immaculate … Continue reading

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State of Maryland Facts

STATE OF MARYLAND FACTS Maryland has been called “America in Miniature” because so much is packed into its 10,460 square miles of land and water. You can find just about any kind of natural feature here, except a desert. That’s … Continue reading

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MD 2001 Convention Schedule and Info

Listen to “Maryland, My Maryland Highpointers 2001 Convention Schedule Backbone Mountain, Maryland Lillian and Gene Elliott are coordinating Monday – Wednesday, July 23-25 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. – Registration – Historic Gazebo – Route 219 – Oakland, Maryland Thursday, … Continue reading

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Issue #53 of “Apex to Zenith” Second Quarter 2001

Topic Page Article – Denali’s West Buttress Route 25 – 26 Article – Highpointers Club Survey Results 5 – 6 Article – Why is Highpointing so “easy”, anyway? 7 – 8 Article – Campbell Hill, OH – America’s Strategic HP … Continue reading

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