Membership Guy Craig Noland’s October 27, 2010 e-news is out. You can read it online in its full html glory here.
For the sake of the search engines below is the newsletter in text format.
HIGHPOINTERS CLUB e-Bulletin…”Summits of the States”
The 2nd Quarter “A to Z” newsletter & Directory should already be in your hot little hands… Please check your info/counts… We will catch up on the 3rd and 4th Quarters soon… The 2012 Konvention is to be held in the state of Oregon!!!…
Wednesday – October 27th, 2010
In This IssueRoad and Highpoint UpdatesHoliday Gift Memberships informationLinksFeatured Member WebsiteNuggets in the ScreeMore Good Stuff…
Club LinksHomeThe Highpointers MercUpdate Your Count Address and Email Corrections Newsletter SubmittalHighpointers FoundationMembershipClub InformationHighpointer’s Connector BlogFAQ’s
In The NewsThe Daily Corinthian in Corinth, MS has an atricle on the 2010 Konvention published October 15th and headlined Climbing Woodall: Highpointers ascend state s highest peak. Peter Mandel’s article in the Providence Journal dated October 17th “How my assault on Jerimouth Hill came up short”
Highpoint Liaisons & Helpers Needed…Highpoint Liaisons, the Clubs points of contact with owners of a specific Highpoint, are the Clubs primary contact with the owner. Liaisons are needed for:AK, AZ, WY – West Region. MI, NE – Midwest RegionAL, OK, Puerto Rico – South RegionThe Highpoint Helpers offer many services such as advice, providing directions, tips and local conditions Helpers are needed for: ID, WY, VA, WY, MSEmail Stony Burk: 10-19-2010)
Holiday Gift MembershipsThe Perfect Gift for folks that love the outdoors, to travel or just have fun… We can mail it directly to them, along with a card, or we can send it to you so that you can give it them.A Perfect Stocking Stuffer!
HIGHPOINTERSHOTLINEThe easy way to keep your HP Counts and Membership Information updated..Give your updates, reports, address/ email changes, etc…Add Family Members for free as long as they are at the same address as you.Remember – Voice and Text Messages only. 865.660.0027
Highpoint Visitation Dates, Times, etc…Campbell Hill OH- Ohio Hi-Point Career Center, atop this highpoint, has public access:Mon – Fri: 6:30am – 10:00pm Sat 6:30am – 3:30pmVisitation arrangements may be made by contacting the Facilities Dept : 937-599-3010 – Ext. 211Charles Mound IL- Closed for the Season!Jerimoth Hill RI- Pronounced “Jer-rye-moth,”is open 7 days a week from 8am to 4 pm. Please stay on gravel path and respect private properties in the area.Katahdin ME- You must obtain a Day Use Parking Reservation (DUPR)to guarantee access to a Katahdin trailhead as parking is limited and are often fully reserved. DUPR Reservation Line: (207) 723-3877 – Online Mauna Kea HI-If visiting the Highpoint and Mauna Kea VIS via rental car, Harper Car Rental is the only company the rents autos for this purpose and to the top. 800-852-9993 Mountain Road Conditions 808-935-626 Mount Whitney CA-Everybody in theMt. Whitney Zonemust possess a valid wilderness permit which are issued only at the Inter Agency Visitor Center, 1 mile south of Lone Pine CA. May 1st – Nov 1st – All use is regulated by limited entry quotas that may be reserved in advance. Most permits are reserved during the Mt. Whitney Lottery in February. For more info followthis link. For the Mt. Whitney Lottery followthis linkWhite Butte ND- There is a $10 visitation fee per vehicle payable at the trailhead.
Future Club ProjectsThe Highpointers Foundation is in the process of approving Funds for projects atHoosier Highpoint IN and Ebright Azimuth DE. Projects Link
The 50 for Tibet Highpoint ChallangeTeam Highpoint is a Denver based non-profit foundation dedicated to spreading knowledge of the Chinese occupation of Tibet by climbing the highest point of elevation in all 50 of the United States to raise funds for Tibet. 100% of the money goes directly to The Rowell Fund for Tibet
Featured Member WebsiteSlovakCooking.comOn this site you ll find over 80 recipes for traditional dishes from the small central-European country of Slovakia. “Slovak may not be the most low-fat cuisine out there but it is very wholesome, down-to-earth cooking. It s like spending everyday at your grandparents. Slovak food is very cheap, easy to cook, and best of all, extremely delicious!”- Highpointer Lubos Brieda
Guide ServicesAdventure Spirit Guides- Highpointer Kel Rossiter has announced dates for three special Winter Workshops. All are welcome on the Summit Workshops Highpointer or otherwise.Jackson Hole Mountain Guides- Offering Club member rates for climbing Granite and Gannett Peaks. Groups are usually 3-5 people and can be arranged to fit special climbing requirements.Outfitters of the Wyoming Wilderness – Highpointers Larry and Dustin Stetter offer a variety of trips where they will pack your gear into the mountains for you. Options include riding horses in with your gear and a pick-up as well.
Helpful Links Adirondak Mountain ClubAmerican Alpine ClubAmericas RoofAmericas Roof ForumAppalachian Mountain ClubApplachian Trail ConservancyBradford Washburn Mountaineering MuseumCounty Highpoints Friends of Granite Peak Peakbagger.comSummitpost.orgThe Nature ConservancyThe Trust for Public Land
Coming EventsWilderness Wildlife Week – Pigeon Forge TN2011 Konvention in Bellfounraine OH2012 Konvention in Portland OR
Spreading the Highpointers Gospel via PowerPoint… We had a great response from our last request, but more Club Members are needed for “The PowerPointHighpointing Presentation’s.” Please contact Bill Deitzer at: billdeitzer@fuse.netor 513-777-4435.Please include your mailing address with your offer to present. Bill will send you a PowerPointfile CD and other helpful Club and Highpointing info. Personalize this presentation along with your own highpointing experiences.Any organization would surely enjoy this presentation. So, step right up.Presentation usually includes:Explaining what highpointing isWho and how the Club got startedNumber of Club members and number of 50 and lower 48 finishersHow state highpoints vary considerably in difficulty, elevation and dangerThe Club s role in assisting members (Apex to Zenith newsletter, conventions, guidebooks, Klimbin Kollaborator, maintaining access to highpoints, etc…)Benefits of highpointing and club membershipWebsite address:
The Highpointers Merc* t-Shirts * Caps * Books ** Award Plaques * Pins ** 5 State Patch ** Guidebooks and More *The 2011 Highpointers Calendar, which is now available,includes photos by members and always quickly sell out. Get yours today!Highpointers Mercantile Attn: Jean Trousdale 1416 Aladdin Street Norman OK 73072-6039 (405) 329-6189Click Here to Visit Site!!!
Benefits of Highpointers Club MembershipQuarterly issues of our Club magazine, “Apex to Zenith””Highpointers e-Bulletins”and “e-Alerts”consantly keeping you up to date on issues, closures and other last minute information. The annual “Highpointers Club Directory”packed with addresses providing the opportunity to contact local area members. A wealth of information on Highpointing records, Club history, Club Bylaws and members acheivements. The “Highpointers Connector”blog where folks can swap info, add trip/route reports, hook up with others and find/sell gear. Be eligible for achievement awards (5 HP patch, 25, 30, 40, 48 and 50 completion pins, 48/50 completer plaques) and for Club awards. Voting privilege for Directors and future Club convention sites. Strong social aspect of belonging to a group of like minded people supporting highpointing via the hobby s only organization, as well as, supporting an organization that demonstrates leadership and results with special projects.
HP Events, Happenings, Info and Other Stuff…Clingmas Dome – TennesseeThere has be many changes to the parking area, restrooms and the addition of a Visitors Center there. Now you can purchase Clingmans Dome specific items such as shirts, hats, patches, pins and may other items there. With this station manned, you can get all the information that you may need. Although Clingmans Domeis open year-round, the road (US 441) leading to it is closed from December 1st – March 31st and whenever weather conditions require. You can, however, visit the tower via walking up Clingmans Dome Road or going there on The Applalichian Trail. It will be an addition of 14 miles (RT) to the 1 mile (RT) from the parking area to the tower. Parking is available at New Found Gap locates on the Tennessee and North Carolina border.Brasstown Bald – GeorgiaThe park personel request that when you visit this Highpoint that you wear your official Highpointer gear. If not, please tell them that you are a Club member. They will be glad to open the gate where the benchmark is located for you to see and take photos, as well as answer all of your questions.*******Panorama Point – Nebraska… Please drive directly to and from the highpoint. “Range Roving” is causing erosion problems to the area. Also, there a new information board provided by combined efforts of the Foundation and the Club. Please Watch out for the Buffalo herd!*******Katahdin – Maine… “…Katahdin means “The Greatest Mountain.” Mount Katahdin would mean “Mountain the Greatest Mountain.” That’s why it’s always referred to as Katahdin.” (Stony Burk)*******Hawkeye Point – Iowa…The Highpointers Foundation has contributed $4,000 to the project and indivual Highpointers are getting their name on a “Wall of Recognition”for donating $50 or more. Send donations to: Hawkeye Point Projectc/o Osceola County EDO300 – 7th StreetSibley IA 51249-1648******* Beartooth Ranger District – Montana…Beartooth Ranger District has a “Food Storage Order”in effect from April 1st – November 20th annually for both Beartooth/Pryor Units. This order requires that unattended food be stored in a locked bear-resistant container, stored in a closed vehicle or suspended at least 10′ above ground. For info please contact themat 406-446-2103. A local source for renting/purchase is Sylvan Peak Sporting Goodsin Red Lodge (800.249.2568). Pete Shelley is the one to ask about climbing Granite from the SW Couloir after guiding over fifty times.. **********Black Mountain Kentucky Mandatory Waiver…Owned by a coal company, there are active mines in the area so the waivers are mandatory for visits. You MUSTfirst obtain this waiver by clicking the link, download the waiver and mail it to the address below. If you cannot return it in time, please have it with you!!!Black Mountain KY Waiver Download Here!Penn – Virginia Resource Partners, L.P.7 Sheridan Sq Ste 400Kingsport TN 37660-7451********** NUGGETS in the Scree!Amicalola Falls State Park and Lodge (GA) – Appalachian Trail display, nature exhibits, live animals and a gift shop. Amicalola Falls is exceptionally busy during peak leaf season. Guests may prefer to visit during the week or carpool on weekends. Advanced reservations for accommodations are highly recommended.Arnold’s Country Kitchen (Nashville TN) – Located just outside downtown, this place has been one of the city’s favorite meat-and-threes for decades. Served cafeteria-style, featuring basic Southern cooking: roast beef, fried chicken, turnip greens, whipped potatoes, mac and cheese, corn muffins and cornbread.Beale Street(Memphis TN) – “Home of the Blues and the Birthplace of Rock and Roll.” Created in 1841, originally named Beale Avenue, its western end housed merchants shops, who traded goods with ships along the Mississippi River, while the eastern part developed as an affluent suburb. In the 1860s, many black traveling musicians began performing on Beale. Today it is a Blues Mecca featuring clubs, shops, restaurants, venders and street performers.Collin’s Diner(North Canaaan CT) – This American diner is perfect in every way and is located in the northwest corner of Connecticut. It’s 70 years old, it’s tiny and it is located at an old train depot. The menu is classic but with an ethnic twist.Forest Service Kids Page- The US Forest Service is committed to connecting kids with nature and the outdoors by providing students, parents and teachers with youth-oriented information and resources related to natural resources and the environment by encouraging more kids to go outdoors, having fun, being healthy and learning more about nature.Send in your favorite places to eat, stay or just plain hang out! Some of the Highpoint entries on Wikipedia need some expert knowledge. Got some expert knowledge to add? Try your hand at: Wikipedia States by Elevation
Information, Conditions and Closures…Katahdin – Maine”2010 Summer Camping Ends. Friday, October 15 marked the final day for summer camping in Baxter State Park. The summer weather was warm and sunny and we had a great season. Thanks to all our visitors for your care and consideration of the precious and wild natural resource that is Baxter State Park. Many thanks to the Park staff who work hard to be sure you have the information and assistance you need to enjoy your stay in the Park and to fully appreciate the wilderness that surrounds you in the Park. We will continue to work to fulfill Percival Baxter s vision for the Park and to ensure that the generations that follow us can enjoy the Park as we do today. We are now preparing for the winter in Baxter Park if you are a winter user we will see you soon, if not, see you next summer!”- Baxter State Park WebsiteGuadalupe Peak – Texas”We had planned for a hot, dry hike on Guadalupe Peak but it turned out to be anything but. It was windy and chilly but a not a bad day to hike. Lots of people on the mountain and it was fun to chat with people from all over. We made it to the top, and celebrated with pudding and pictures. It was cold and windy, one man had a watch with temperature gauge and told us is was 38 degrees. Glad we had brought sweatshirts and jackets! We hiked down through intermittent snow showers.”- Highpointing Shoemaker FamilyMount Arvon – Michigan”Baraga County Tourism and Recreationreports that due to the unusual amount of rain this past month that Plum Creek is recommending only trucks use the roads around Mt. Arvon. Check with Tracey in L’Anse for current conditions” – 800-743-4908 or Adverse Road Conditions Number1-800-381-8477 – State Highpoint Liaison Stony BurkBlack Mesa – Oklahoma”In Oklahoma, we stopped at Black Mesa State Park for an overnight. I had called ahead to see about reservations and the man who answered laughed and said they weren’t necessary. I told him we might be arriving late and inquired if that would be a problem. The answer was, “ma’am, I don’t think you understand, nobody comes here!”. We did indeed arrive late, to a completely empty park. Not one person, no cars, no tents or campers. We did have someone stop by in the morning to collect our camping fee, then he was gone. We had breakfast and headed out for our Black Mesa climb. There were a few people hiking on a VERY windy day. It was a pretty uneventful climb but very enjoyable. It was very different from anywhere we had been before.”- Highpointing Shoemaker FamilyJerimoth Hill – Rhode Island”The entire post, mailbox and register that we installed just after the NH Konvention was removed this year. We’re working on providing another register at this highpoint.”- State Highpoint Liaison Stony BurkMount Elbert – Colorado”…be aware of the south trail and the starting point. There has been vandalism at the trailhead. There is also no markings for the trail from the ranger road to where the trailhead is.”- Highpointer Greg RickertHoosier Hill – Indiana”…the sign at IN Highpoint was vandalized (removed) …we are in the process of preparing a new sign and hope to provide an improvement project just before the Ohio Konvention next year.”- State Highpoint Liaison Stony Burk
Charlie Winger Releases New BookHighpointer, Mountaineer and guidebook author Charlie Winger has just released a new title, Two Shadows – The inspirational story of one man’s triumph over adversity. This autobiographical book is filled with Winger s adventures during 35 years of mountaineering, climbing rock and ice, and world travel. People who have met Charlie, attended one of his slideshows, or read his guidebooks will recognize his knack for telling stories. Some are hair-raising, some are a little crazy, and some will leave the reader laughing out loud. Two Shadowsis about more than climbing. It is the story of a boy who grew up in an atmosphere of neglect and abuse. He made numerous bad choices in life which resulted in his being sentenced to prison at age eighteen. While incarcerated, Winger turned his life around. He obtained his high school diploma, began taking college courses, and learned computer programming. Upon his release, he began a successful career in information technology.The book is available in paperback or e-book (Kindle) format from Amazon.comand other online booksellers. Winger also offers autographed copies for sale on his online bookstore,
IMPORTANT NOTICE PLEASE READHighpointing can be a dangerous and strenuous activity. Be sure to prepare yourself for each highpointing trip. Whether it be physical conditioning and training for the technical climbs or a tune up and an oil change for your car.Always plan carefully and be prepared for anything that may happen. Keep up with weather conditions and adjust properly. There are many books available on travel, hiking, camping, mountaineering and everything else that goes along with Highpointing. The more technical climbs can be made with the services of professional guides. There are also schools and training courses that can train you on the ups and downs of climbing. (No pun intended) Get the knowledge, be prepared, and drive safely.