Highlights of the Second Quarter 2007 Issue #77 of Apex to Zenith:
Cover – Logan Blackwell Driskill Mountain project
2 – Notes from the editors
3 – 50 Completer David Fees
4-5 48 Completers Chris Covill, Debbie Fees, Larry Lapp, Maeve and Stew Maurer, Rolf Sterglanz
6-7 Color photos including construction of the Mount Mitchell tower and the new officially designated DC highpoint
8 – Highpoint updates including the sell of the Kenton Merc to John and Judy Mayfield with Store Manager West McBridge; the Mosleys have opened access to Jerimoth daily fro 8 am to 4 pm; visitors will find various closures on Mount Rainier; update on DC highpoint survey
9 – Andy Martin article on the biggest holes in the United States
10 – Klimbin Kollaborator including Bill Wenzel selling reprinted and updated Jack Parsell books and John Mitchler looking for summit registers for the archives
11 – Tim Webb President message
12 – Club Business including a note by Diane Winger that the Club may open an exhibit at the Bradford Washburn American Mountaineering Museum in Golden, Colorado
13 – Craig Noland on new members
14 – Formal announcement that the Club has acquired the Jakk Longacre property in Missouri
15 – Steve Mussack 1949-2007
16-17 Logan Blackwell’s Louisiana Project
18-21 Wisconsin Convention info
22 – Arizona convention info
23 – New Engalnd Gathering of Highpointers on Mondanock (next one is August 11)
24-25 – Jim Mick article on whether Wisconsin should be called Timm’s Hill or Timms Hill
26-27 – Fred Lobdell County Highpointer Column
28 – Expanded article on the Bradford Washburn American Mountaineering Museum
29 – Dave Covill on Northeast Highpointer Convention in 2009
30-31 Color photos
32 – Rick Hartman column on S.afety O.n S.ummits about safety on Mauna Kea
33 – Various announcements including Dave Pellegrini (david7324 at mac dot com) for the 2008 calendar
34 – Merc Catalog
35 – Color photos of highpoint head stands
Back Cover – Alan and Ellen Zarchy romance on Guadalupe Peak