Minutes (Email Session) July 17, 2011-June 8, 2012. They were approved by the Board of Directors on June 9, 2012.
On July 22, 2011, Don Holmes moved, “Treasurer be authorized to add a line item to the budget entitled “Convention Supplies” with an initialbudget of $500.00. Further, it is the Treasurers duty to make sure thatexpenditures under this item are for general use at Conventions and do not directly benefit participants.” The motion was approved with no opposition.
On July 22, 2011 Don Holmes made the following motion to change the bylaws that Section 2.7 Term Limits
The term of the Directors shall be three (3) years. Five Director seats shall stand for election each year. The number of consecutive terms an individual Director may serve is two (2). If a member has been appointed to fill a Board vacancy, that appointment does not count when considering the consecutive term limit. There is no limit on the number of terms an individual may serve as long as the consecutive term limit is observed.
The motion passed without opposition.
On August 29, 2011, the Minutes of the in person board meeting in Ohio were approved (with corrections for attendance by Nikki)
On September 27, 2011, Roger Rowlett made a motion to go into executive session stating “This forum is NEVER a good or proper method to discuss personnel issues. And the longer we allow this to go on, the more it will fester and cause unintended consequences. I move we have an executive conference call to discuss convention reporting.” The only “no” vote for going into the session was by Will who said, “The topic being discussed was convention reporting, nothing personal. We’ve changed the topic and I don’t agree with that.” Roger’s request was in response to a Sepember 12, 2011 email to the board from Convention Oversight Committee Chairperson Nikki Hemphill.
On October 23, 2011, a quorum held an executive session via freeconferencecall.com to discuss convention personnel matters. No business was conducted. Those participating were Marion Bauman, Mark Comstock, Mick Dunn, Charlie Feris, Don Holmes, Tom Karchesy, Will Mokszycki, Craig Noland, Roger Rowlett, Tim Webb plus ex-officio John Mitchler. John is convention chairperson of 2012 and Mick is chairperson of 2013.
On November 18, 2011, Roger Rowlett reported on a Hays News article that vandals had extensively damaged Mount Sunflower in Kansas. No formal action was taken by the board.
On December 6, 2011, Roger Rowlett reported that a boston.com article says that the State of Rhode Island has an agreement to buy the Brown University property that includes the actual Jerimoth Hill summit for $100,000. The article makes note of the considerable Club effort with regards to Jerimoth. No formal action was taken by the board.
On November 19, 2012, John Mitchler reported that the highway sign to Indiana had been stolen.
On December 16, 2012, Roger Rowlett reported that Bill Strickland, a former chair of the Oklahoma Convention, had passed.
On January 12, 2012, member Eric Lichtenstein proposed an online survey of membership. His prototype is at http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/HGBLW5N The Board took no action.
On March 2, 2012, Tim Webb announced that a vote to revise the bylaws Convention Policies and Procedures Agreement Between the Highpointers Club and the Convention Chairperson had passed with no opposition. The change affected Articles 3.1, 3.3 C, 3.3 J, 4.3 C, and 4.3 J of the bylaws. The bylaws change principally involved changing the “Convention Oversight Committee” name to “Convention Liaison Committee.” The biggest individual section change was Section 3.3.J. which defined defines the role of the Convention Liaison Committee Chairperson. The new wording states: “The primary responsibility of the Convention Liaison Chairperson is to provide assistance and guidance as requested by the Convention Chairpersons. The Convention Liaison Chairperson is responsible for executing the “Convention Policies and Procedures Agreement Between the Highpointers Club and the Convention Chairperson , as defined by the Board of Directors, with the Annual Convention Chairpersons.
On March 27, 2012, Tim Webb announced the result of election of board members Eric Lichtenstein and the return of former board members Nikki Hemphill and Jim Sutton. Mark Comstock returned. A fifth position was filled on March 28 (see below). Outgoing board members are Will Mokszycki, Steve Urbanski, Steve Gamble and Craig Noland.
On March 27, 2012, election of officers was called. There was no opposition to the slate of Tim Webb, President, Mark Comstock, Vice President, Don Holmes, Treasurer and Roger Rowlett, Secretary.
On March 28, 2012, Tim Webb appointed Kathy Dalsaso Mitchler to fill a director position on the board after not enough people had run for the 2012-13 board. The appointment was approved by the board with no opposition.
On March 28, 2012 Tim Webb the following committee chairmen:
1. Conventions (Nikki Hemphill)
2. Newsletter (John Mitchler)
3. Liaison (Stony Burk)
4. Web (Roger Rowlett)
5. Membership (Craig Noland)
6. Merc (Jean Trousdale)
7. Bylaws (Don Holmes)
8. Foundation (Kathy Dalsaso Mitchler)
9. Marketing (Bill Deitzer)
10. Board Election (Marion Bauman)
11. Longacre Memorial (Tim Webb)
12. Records (John Mitchler)
On April 23, 2012, Roger Rowlett reported that Bob Mitchler, father of John Mitchler, had passed.
On April 24, 2012, Roger Rowlett reported that historic videos of Jakk Longacre narrating a visit to all 50 highpoints had been posted via youtube to the club website.
On April 28, 2012, Nikki Hemphill reported that the 2012 convention has been “Textbook perfect as convention planning is concerned.”