Minutes (Email Session) June 9, 2012-July 20, 2013

The 2013-2014 Board of Directors at the Highpointers Convention in Maine.

Below are the minutes of the electronic session of the Highpointers Board of Directors as discussed on highpointers-board@yahoogroups.com between the June 9, 2012 Board meeting at Timberline Lodge on Mount Hood in Oregon and the July 20, 2013 at the Katahdin Inn & Suites, Millinocket, Maine. The minutes were prepared by Secretary Roger Rowlett and were approved unanimously at
July 20, 2103 Board meeting in Maine.

*July 5 – Tim Webb presented the agenda for the Board of Directors meeting to start 2:07 PM, Saturday, July 20, 2013 at the Atrium Conference Room, Katahdin Inn & Suites, Millinocket, Maine.
*June 23 – Roger Rowlett sent a message informing the board that Nene and Bomber Brown picked up the Merc merchandise from Jean Trousdale, have opened a new Paypal account for the Merc (hpmerc18@gmail.com) and it is now operating out of their home Russellville, Alabama.
*April 29 – Tim Webb that the officers have been elected. Roger Rowlett, Secretary; Don Holmes, Treasurer; Mark Comstock, Vice President; Tim Webb, President. There was no opposition.
April 21 – Minutes of the General Membership Meeting held at Timberline Lodge in Oregon on June 9, 2012 were approved with no opposition or corrections.
*April 18 – Five members running for five positions for the Board of Directors for 2013-2014 were elected. John Keator and Ray Nelson are new members. Roger Rowlett, Gary Szelc and Kammel Abdnour were returned to the board. Tom Karchesy and Jerry Cobleigh left the board.

*Committee members for 2013-2014 were:
1. Conventions (Nikki Hemphill)
2. Newsletter (John Mitchler)
3. Liaison (Stony Burk)
4. Web (Roger Rowlett)
5. Membership (Ray Nelson)
6. Merc (Jean Trousdale)
7. Bylaws (Don Holmes)
8. Foundation (Kathy Dalsaso Mitchler)
9. Marketing (Bill Deitzer)
10. Board Election (Marion Bauman)
11. Longacre Memorial (Tim Webb)
12. Records (John Mitchler)

*April 17 – Tim Webb reported that 2/3 of the board had had approved a change in the bylaws of Section 2.7 Term Limits which did away with term limits. The amended section says, “The term of the Directors shall be three (3) years. Five Director seats shall stand for election each year. There is no limit on the number of terms an individual may serve.” Three people opposed (Marion Bauman, Eric Lichtenstein, Roger Rowlett).
*April 17 – John Mitchler reported that NBC Connecticut had interviewed Todd Brown (host of 2014 convention) after he survived the 2013 Boston Marathon Bombing http://www.nbcconnecticut.com/video/#!/on-air/as-seen-on/Rocky-Hill-Runner-Reflects-on-Chaos-in-Boston/203129111~~
*April 8 – Minutes of the Board meeting at Timberline Lodge on June 9, 2012 were approved with no opposition.
*September 26, 2012 – John Mitchler reported that new membership chairmen Jan & Ray Nelson working with Diane & Charlie Winger are doing a great job with the membership.
*September 26, 2012 – John Mitchler reported that a 50 completer was hoping to get a 50 certificate of completion at the Maine convention and noted that completers are entitled to a free pin and the option to buy a plaque. He noted that many members think they get the certificate at the convention. Several board members that this has been a frequent topic and note that the pin, plaque and formal introduction at the convention is enough.
*September 19, 2012 – Roger Rowlett reported that the Woodall Mountain summit sign donated by the Highpointers Foundation had been stolen during ceremonies associated with the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Iuka.
*September 19, 2012 – Roger Rowlett reported South Carolina senator Lindsay Graham attended the groundbreaking of the Sassafras Improvement Project which includes the Highpointers Foundation donated summit sign and bench.
*September 19, 2012 – Roger Rowlett reported that Delta Airlines is running a “Keep climbing” advertising campaign which is similar to the club’s “Keep Klimbing” slogan.

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