History and Future of Highpointers Conventions

The Highpointers Annual Convention and Membership Meetings rotate from region to region and are held in one of four geographical areas in the United States each year.

For those who have the “Highpoint Calling” they’re an almost religious experiences where you meet others obsessed with our noble and unique hobby.

Many of our pages are not yet put in the blog, but here’s a little history of the previous conventions and their respective pages along with some photo galleries.


Spread the Highpointing Gospel…


Any Highpointer Club member interested in doing a “PowerPoint Highpointing Presentation” should contact Ad/Marketing Committee Chair Bill Deitzer.

Bill, along with his “Better Half” Rosemary, would like to also thank the many Club members for their Highpointing pictures and “Hero Shots.”

So far there are eleven presenters that have volunteered their time to do this.


Highpointers Wanted… A Perfect Gift as Well!!!

Not a member and would like to join our group of fun seekers?  Join today, sign up a friend or relative.  Better yet… Join and sign up a friend and relative!!!

By joining you will have access to the annual “Conventions” which are held in one of the United States’ geographical areas each year.

These are the best “Face to Face” experience that you can have to get the most out of highpointing and travel.  There you’ll meet hundreds of new and very experience climbers and travelers that will help in your quest. 


2008-09 Highpointers Club Board of Directors

The current ’08 – ’09 Board Members met at the “Snowbowl” prior to the convention on Saturday to pound out issues and make this Club even better.  Although most if the membership never see’s them, their work keeps this club moving in a positive direction.

There are no paid positions in the Club. All work (including newsletter, web, merc, etc…) are all unpaid volunteers.

Board members serve three-year terms and can hold office only for a maximum of two consecutive terms.
