Spread the Highpointing Gospel…


Any Highpointer Club member interested in doing a “PowerPoint Highpointing Presentation” should contact Ad/Marketing Committee Chair Bill Deitzer.

Bill, along with his “Better Half” Rosemary, would like to also thank the many Club members for their Highpointing pictures and “Hero Shots.”

So far there are eleven presenters that have volunteered their time to do this.

Please include your mailing address with your offer to present.  You will be sent a CD with the “PowerPoint” file, a “Highpointers Info Packet” and other helpful item

Here is your chance to represent Highpointing to local organizations, hikers/travelers, scouts and many other gatherings.  Notice will be given in the “Apex to Zenith”, as well as the eBulletin… provided you give us enough advance notice.

You are encouraged to personalize this presentation with your own highpointing experiences so you can have fun with it to suit your local area. Contact Bill at:

billdeitzer@nuvox.net or (513) 777-4435

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