Author Archives: Clint Kaul

Peter Anderson’s Photo Gallery of Jerimoth Hill, Rhode Island

(Photos by Pete Anderson) [Webmaster: These pictures were taken in 1999/2000 when access to Jerimoth Hill was highly restricted. In 2011 the state of Rhode Island decided to purchase the summit (read it here) and in 2014 the formal transfer … Continue reading

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History of the Logo

By Ken Jones In the early days of the Highpointers, I contacted Jack Longacre about whether there was a club logo and awards. He said no.  I spent some time that summer designing a logo, which combines a blue sky … Continue reading

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Frank Ashley: Author of The First State Highpoint Guidebook

Frank Ashley: Author of The First State Highpoint Guidebook [Ed: An article from Apex to Zenith #49: Second Quarter 2000] Do you recognize the gentleman on the cover of this issue? Who is he, and what has he done of … Continue reading

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The Birth of the Highpointers Club

The Highpointers Club is comprised of people from all walks of life who share a common interest in attaining the highpoint of each of the 50 states. The club had it’s beginnings in 1986 when our founder – Jack Longacre … Continue reading

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National Highpoint Museum

The Highpointers Club is attempting to raise funds for the National Highpoint Museum to be built on the flank of Taum Sauk, Missouri. The museum will house memorabilia from the 50 state highpoints. The funding effort is still being formulated. … Continue reading

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CKTEST HI 2000 gallery with jetpack

You can download the scholarship application Please fill out and return by June 1

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CKTEST google album

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Highpoint Updates: Second Quarter 2000

[Ed: Partial article from Apex to Zenith #49 – Second Quarter 2000] Minnesota – Eagle Mountain A proposal has been made to rename Eagle Mountain to Mount Vento in honor of Minnesota Congressman Bruce Vento who introduced legislation 22 years … Continue reading

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Computer Column: Hiking With Dogs

[Ed: An article from Apex to Zenith #49 – Second Quarter 2000] By: Roger Rowlett There are two hot button outdoor issues that can turn friends into enemies in a flash. One is mountain biking and the other is dogs. … Continue reading

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Teen Corner: Highpointing Before Age 14

[Ed: An article from Apex to Zenith #49 – Second Quarter 2000] By: Chris Covill I recently received 3 letters to help start this teen column. Through each letter, many interesting and amazing events were brought to my attention. The … Continue reading

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