The Frank Ashley Award goes to members for significant work in the year prior (it is different from the Vin Hoeman and Jack Longacre awards which reflect cumulative work).
Frank Ashley Award
2015 Frank Ashley Award Winners
2015 Frank Ashley Awards to non-club members for service to highpoints were handed out at the 2015 Highpointers Konvention. Award winners this year are:
Nena & Bomber Brown, Lizzie Brammer, Valerie Naylor, Jim Hawkins and Rick Hartman received Frank Ashley Awards at 2014 Highpointers Convention in Tennessee
Nena & Bomber Brown, Lizzie Brammer, Valerie Naylor, Jim Hawkins and the Jack Longacre Memorial team received Frank Ashley Awards at the 2014 Highpointers convention in Tennessee.
Mark Adam, Kenyon Rainier Stebbins, Lyle & Kathy Blomberg, Bill Guenther, Blaine and Linda Sorenson, Al Dempsey, Mick Dunn Receive Frank Ashley Awards at 2013 Convention
Receiving the Frank Ashley Awards at the 2013 Convention were Mick Dunn, Mark Adam, Al Dempsey, and Bill Gunther.
Those receiving the award but not attending were Kenyon Rainier Stebbins, Lyle & Kathy Blomberg, and Blaine and Linda Sorenson.
Here’s their nominations:
2012 Convention Organizers, Gene and Lillian Elliot and Glen VanVliet Awarded Frank Ashley Award
The Club made the following Frank Ashley Awards at the 2012 Convention.
Frank Ashley Award Ceremony for Sid Collins in South Carolina
We are happy to see the Easley Patch reporting on Sid Collins receiving the Frank Ashley Award for his work on Sassafras Mountain. The award was presented at an Easley Kiwannis Club by Chamber of Commerce President Kent Dykes.
Mississippi’s Bob Brown and South Carolina’s Sid Collins Receive 2011 Frank Ashley Awards
Club members who received the Frank Ashley Award at the 2011 convention included Bob Brown, a honorary member who is the son of the Mississippi highpoint and became the owner when Bob’s father died shortly before the convention; and Sid Collins, who has been active in South Carolina:
2005 Frank Ashley Awards for Work on DC, IN and SC and Newsletter Column
The Highpointers Club gave five Frank Ashley awards for work in South Carolina, Indiana, District of Columbia
July 15 Deadline for Frank Ashley Nominations
The Frank Ashley Award named after the author of the first state highpointing guidebook, is bestowed “in recognition for significant volunteer service to the Club in the year prir to the annual membership meeting.”
Any member can nominate a candidate.
With the nomination, the submitter should include a short description of the service and contribution that the nominee has made to the Club.